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Posts posted by Coach

  1. ok... I have a GPSMAP 60CS, its the handheld with a plotter function in it.

    Basically, the garmins, come with the basic software loaded in them with not much detail (blue means water, brown means land type of thing). The "Base Maps" are also not calibrated as well which is a pain.

    Now..I might be a bit sketcky here as its been a while since i got it...

    but there are two types of maps you can get two depending on the type of GPS.(For the current garmins)

    Blue Maps- were software loaded maps that you upladed from your PC (An add on to the basic Garmin software you would have got)

    C-maps.. I think are memory stick type of maps, that slide into the unit itself.

    Basically, they work the same and put marine chart data into your GPS.. the detail goes down to contour level, navigation aids, wreaks etc etc.. but it doesn't show you the type of bottom.

    I sit at home, plot "interesting points" and now make a habit of exploring one new spot everytime i go out.

    Sometimes it works.. sometimes it doesnt!!!

    I keep the waypoint data on my system at home as a backup to the GPS unit.. but if your in the city, then I can bring my handheld into town (I work just near town hall) and show you how much detail you get ( its the same data as on the computer... just a smaller screen)

    from Memory the bluechart was around $300.00 which isn't cheap.. but i recon its paid itself off by now!!!

    One other thing, is GPS Datums..

    now i again.. .I am a little sketchy on this one..

    but you should make sure your Datum setting (on all good GPS's) is set to the Australian standard (if your in Australia).. I think its WGS 84 or something that sounds like that.

    having a different Datum can put you out between 10 and 220 Metres.

    If you use the correct Datum, then your charts will be configured for that region and also.. if you ever share GPS spots with each other, then you will have the same marks and not end up miles apart!!! (so long as you all use the corect/same Datums)

    Again, I dont know the exact details of all this, and I apoligize if I have got it dramatically wrong.. But this was my understanding that i got when I started playing with the things.



  2. As it warms up, i used to get a few kingies off west head when fishing for livies.

    Just send out the first livie in a float and dont let him out to far.. the kingies come up to the boat and in the shallow water its best not to give them too much of a head start.

    I rig a two hook rig on my livies with a stinger in the tail.. fish the drag on about half strike as it tneds to set the hooks and not give them too much of a head start

    Then take the rest of your livies to the vallient and drop them down on the wreak.. if they are there, then I normally get a hit within the first 5 minutes... I send you over the GPS marks for that wreak when I go home

    (Best to PM me to remind me)

    If your trolling, then I get a few good hits around barrenjoey, best spot i find is a troll on the headland on the southern side...of your looking down onto the headland, then do a anticlockwise circle from the tip, down the southern face until you get to the big rock/bommie that sticks out a bit and then start your circle.

    I troll Rapala Magnums as fast as they will go before they skip( I think they have inox or something like that written on the packet)..

    This fishin gets a lot of bonnie's salmon as well.. but its a easy way to fish.

    Hope that helps

  3. :Funny-Post:

    Obviously the Coach doesn't get seasick!

    I used to get crook when I was young.. but my old man was one of those guys who would keep going and not stop until he was ready to come home...then he would only turn around when we swore not to tell mum how crook we were.

    After trying to jump off the boat a few times, the novelty wore off and I stopped.

    He used to give us a lot of olives and home pickled peppers.. which are salty like beef jerkey.. so maybe there is something to this!!!!

    But I do remember that it was probably the worst I have felt ever... and I feel sorry for those that suffer it as it affect every part of your body!!!

    I always remember a trip where we sailed a boat up from Sydney harbour to Pitwater at night in a bumpy sea.. A member of the crew got so crook that she nearly fell overboard several times and she wanted to die..

    In the end we had to strap an EPIRB to her and tie her to the boat!!! (She was so keen to "end it" that we needed to use duct tape and rope!!)

  4. Anyone familiar with C-Map 93....for the maritime marine

    and any opinions....?

    Point the curser anywhere on the screen ( a submerged reef for example ) and it gives you the GPS coordinates

    Im not familiar wiith the C-Map systems, but it sounds similar to the bluemaps that I got for my Garmin GPS

    If its anything like this...then it's is gold..

    I sit at home and mark down the ledges/holes and upload them to the GPS, then I go out and explore them and its pretty spot on.

    The only interesting thing I have noticed is it can be a bit off when it comes to pinpointing wreaks,(Some are there and some are not) but when it comes to ledges/pinnicles its pretty spot on.

    Hope this helps..

  5. Thank's fella's

    I think the next time I go out, we will wrap him in so many of those accupressure things, he will end up looking like the drivers seat of a taxi!!!!

    Trev: this "zofran" stuff looks interesting, do you know if he has to go to a doc to get it prescribed.. or an you get it at a chemist (The lozenges.. I dont think he will let me hit him with a needle)

    I also told him about looking for a cure on this site.. and this is the responce I got!!(See below)

    His Response regarding testing seasick cures:

    We'll see. If they essentially comprise 'Getting out there and getting used to it', you're gonna have to do a bit better than that! I want something that's bullet proof dude (and I'm not talking about kevlar), I think I've already taken at least a couple of years off my life with all of the throwing up I've done, I can't afford too many more. :074::074::074::074:

    I think I only have one or to more trips out of him before he pulls the plug..so I am keen to try anything out there that might work!!

    Thanks again fella's!!!

  6. Last two times I went out for a charter for bottom bashing, I was sick as I've ever been. I noticed it was only when the boat stopped (and after 30mins) and I looked down to bait up. As soon as I looked down I could feel myself started to get dizzy followed by a "here we go" feeling. Then your saliva starts getting bubbles in it and it starts - death by bile!!!! I noticed I was o.k if I laid down, but if I even tried to get up??!!

    I've seen this happen a fair bit with my mates...Generally they are fine with trolling until we stop for a drift or set an anchor.

    Other things I have noticed is if they go into the cabin or concentrate on something (like untangling lines) they tend to get crook.

    Often i see people get real tired and try and sleep before getting crook.. So now when I take anyone out.. If they go quiet, or say they are sleepy...then it's time to make them tell a story or sing a song to make then get their mind off it.

    Once you loos them, then they are gone..

    and their beer rations go soon after :thumbup: (ones mans loss if anothers gain!!!)

  7. You have tried all the common ones I have heard of Coach except for the armbands. Not sure if you can get them here but in NZ you can by elastic arm bands which have bumps on them that supposidly hit preasure points in your wrists. Does anyone know of them in Ausy?

    May be worth noting that my old man was a great fisherman until he started to get an inner ear problem later on in life. The docter recokoned this stuffed his balance (and sealegs) and now he hardly fishes because of it.

    Can't say I have ever got seasick but I sympathise with those that do. Must be shithouse being out on the briny and not being able to fish.

    Cheers I have heard of the arm bands, but heard bad reports on them. Apparently they are generally the second thing to hit the sea (right after breakfast has hit it!!!)

    I used to get crook when I was younger, but my old man used to stay out all day and feed us with bread, olives and home pickled peppers (its a "Vog" thing)...after a while the novelity of being crook just wore off and now I never get crook..

    My poor old mate has tried for around two years now and still hasn't had it wore off.. perhaps I will try the peppers and olive thing from my old man (might be on a million dollar cure here!!!)

  8. I added this to a fishing report, but thought it would be interesting starting a new topic to see what other "Home remedies" might be out there

    Whilst on the topic of pukeing up ones hole into the great briney..

    Anyone got any seasick cures???

    I don't get sick (my old man fed us olives and pickeled peppers until we could spit no more when we were younger!!!), but a mate of mine who is mad keen on fishing ALWAYS gets crook..

    Just the sight of water gets him woosey I think!!!

    I have tried making him spit all day long,

    also have tried

    Quells, travel calm, water, Ginger tables, earplugs in the right and left ear (on two seperate trips), not talking about Bile, early nights, late nights, not sleeping at all, red bull's, making them stand all day, scaring him (I think this might be a cure for Hiccup's...but am not 100% sure) etc etc

    Only thing that seems to work is to keep them awake and busy.. but if you stop harrassing them for a second..then is "over the side" again

    Any other idea's I can try out on him?? As he is 100% committed to the task of fishing, but him "bleeding from his ears" is making me feel a little guilty and ruining my fishing time!!!

  9. 14 Muddies in 1 day!

    Mate, you must be kidding, I have targeted mud crabs in this area for a long time, they do exist but in the number you mention seem unrealistic.

    Its a shame your picture doesn't show the Hawkesbury, just a crate of well ties crabs.

    We all have great days out but for a haul like that the Sydney Fish Markets would be my call.

    Negative first post, but I don't like peolpe getting others hopes up for nothing, petrol is too expensive.

    I'd love to see you prove me wrong, maybe a few photos of the crabs with your boat on the Hawkesbury.

    OOOOOhhhhh did it get real cold in here.. or am i sencing someone doesn't catch many mud crabs???? :074:

    Mud crabbin: Congradulations on the great feed..

    I know absolutly nothing about crabbing but you have inspired me to give it a go!!!

    In relation to certain "other" posts :thumbdown:

    I guess a little "Wine" makes the crabs that much sweeter!!!! :yahoo:

    ENJOY!!! :thumbup:

  10. I GOT A THREE DAY WEEKEND!!!! :yahoo:

    first real days off for a while..

    Unfortunatly wont be taking the boat out (Weather looks really good!!!) but I am going bush to a mates place ( 5000 acres of nothing!!) to chase yellowbelly, redfin, terrorise some carp and chase some pigs..

    Enjoy the weekend all!!!!


  11. This is an easy question....

    my girlfriend is my boat.. so she always comes fishing with me.

    if it was legal, I would probably marry her.... :074: :074:

    and before you knock my thoughts on this... think about it:

    1) They cost heaps to run

    2) they dont run properly if you dont treat them well

    3) They cost more if your bad to them

    4) Other boats always look better and cost more

    5) Other blokes always are attracted to them

    etc etc etc...

  12. these days make us appreciate the good ones!!!!

    If its any consolation, I had a trip last summer that involved a flat battery, broken trailer winch, lost anchor and a mate falling overboard all in one day (and not fish caught) :05:

    The next trip was a ripper..

    so if my maths is right, then your next trip should be gold!!


  13. I think we are missing the real point here people!!!!

    Did anyone notice that there was only ONE Stubby holder fitted on that chair!!!! :074:

    Personally speaking, I would have to be drunking around 4-5 beers at a time...for a considerable number of hours/days, before I decided to go for a swim with half a salmon for company!!! :wacko:

    Just await the next round of "Darwin Awards" that come out, these guys gotta get a mention!!!

  14. The salmon were hitting the Blue/white Rapala's (don't know the technical name sorry) in the morning, but I switched to gold when the sun came out after the rain and that got the most hits (It was what got "Wacked" and also picked up a sargent baker in a troll as well).

    I like using the ones that are about 4-6" long, I think they are called Inox (or something like that..about $23 each and pretty solid looking)

    Tend to fish "Gold" and "green" color's in the middle of the day and blue's + Greens in the mornings.. Dont know if this work's or not.. but its just something I have always done..(Sometimes its best not to ask why I do things the way I do)

    I fish 8Kg on most of my sticks, but the big fella hit the right rod that day (12Kg fireline).

    Normally I go for the snapper, but it was a bit messy and I had a new guy out that I want sure would handle it ok.. Was nice to go for a troll and see what was around and still get a few hits.

    Just looked at the work diary.. its going to be another 4 weeks till I get out there again.. Hopefully that big fella will be ready for "round two"!!

    (Not sure if we are though)

  15. I got one once just up from Juno.. thought it was a bass until i read an article about thema month later

    From memory, it was around this time of year as well..so maybe they do come down to spawn.

  16. Yeah, It was a good day to be out there....next time though i'll try the old tried and tested reefs and see if I can get some of those ugly red lookin fish that clutch is always catching!!! :074:

    Clutch: I recon it had to be a kingy at Joey, she hit hard and went down and out..like a freight train!!!

    the question is how big!!!

    but i guess there has to be a "one that got away" story

    Already planning the next trip now.. bring on the warmer water!!!!

  17. Took the boat out for its first run in two months!!!

    (Bloody work cuts into my social time a bit too much)

    Dropped her into the water just before dawn and it was really really quiet when i turned the key and nothing happened...

    Looked at the boatramp drifting away and rechecked everything..then rechecked again...I had power, lights etc etc everything...in the end it was just 'User stupidity" (cut out switch had popped out) and after a little coaxing the yammie roared to life (bit too much juice, apologies to those living in the bayview area) and we werre off to barrenjoey.

    Went for a quick troll just as the sun was rising and got a triple hookup on the nothern side of the point on Rapala Magnums.. three salmon, two fishermand and everything went nuts!!!

    Boated one and "let" :074: the other two swim another day.

    Then went to west head for half a dozen yakka's which were hard to get at first but then came on strong and steady after 20 minutes (kingy hanging around perhaps??)

    Pushed out in messy water around 7-8K's off to secret spot "x+3" where we were plagued with Toadies and Leatherjackets snipping our lines..lots of muttong birds around "looking" but nothing really focusing on any schools

    headed in for troll from Joey to Whale and back, got nothing until we were back at Joey were we got blasted big time!!! The fish had taken off and run for around 50 metres before we dropped him.. At no time were we in controll (My mates knees are still shakeing)

    Kept heading home and hit another patch of salmon, double hookup..but only boated one

    tried to berley in the moorings up in pitwater and give the rest of the yakka's a swim but nothing happened.

    Went home,bit wet, only 2 fish..but all good... hopefully will get out there again soon!!!

  18. Sweet!!!! :thumbup:

    Looks like the wind did drop down in the end!!!

    Nice fish, but why is the hook still in him when your at home in the last Pic???..

    Or is that in case he falls out of your boat again on the ride home!!!! :tease:

    P.s Next time you let any fish go.. can you point them towards Sydney!!!!

    (Expecially Snapper like that!!)

  19. ......my historical data tells me .......not to put all my eggs in one basket :biggrin2:

    ..........and to use all tools available to oneself

    And still pack a raincoat, waterproof pants, a box of matches etc etc :074:

  20. Thanks for that... I will kep an eye on it over the next few weeks and see if i can tell a difference

    FYI: Currently your chart was predicting at 10:00am today East to NE wind of around 5 knots

    The live station at North Head is currently reporting ENE at 10knots with gusts to 12-15..

    So its pretty clost to the money at the moment!!!

    I'ss keep an eye on it and see what happens over the next few weekends

    (Every little bit of info helps sometimes!!!)


  21. we used something like this up in coffs on the kingies and it worked out pretty good.

    In the end we ended up using 10 metres of cord and tying it off to the boat instead of putting it onto a reel or a downrigger, that way when we got a hit we didnt have to worry about reeling up too reels, rather just threw the bomb and cord in the bottom of the boat while we played the fish.

    Didn't seem to get much vibration problems with the cord, but we were trolling livies really slow

    good luck!!!

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