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Posts posted by stickybeak

  1. Thanks guys for the replys , it was our second trip out since last summer and first time in middle harbour what a top place to fish so much bait we found and nice deep water to fish in.The boys allways come with me it was kind of how i got the new boat last summer with the misses.I fished with my dad and brothers when we were kids and been fishing ever since now its time to pass it on to my boys .Next fish on the list is a kingfish hopeing this summer maybe?

  2. Middle harbour ,thanks to mr squid.i have been following his post and I was really keen on catching my first jewfish. Went sat put boat in at tunks park at 5.00pm with my two boys ,we tried our luck for squid but no luck.went to our spot for the night had some frozen squid and we caught live yackers thru the night .no bites all night it wasn't until 6.00am the rod with the squid bait got nailed I picked up the rod line screaming off I thought this could be it, it woke the kids up lucky cause I got Zane to wind the other rod in and get it out of the way and grab the net ready.i felt the head shakes that everyone talks about then 5 min later a big silver flash appears out of the deep one more run then Zane had him in the net nervous moments and I helped him pull the fish in the boat we done it our first jewfish hi fives all round , little Noah still had sleep on his eyes but now had the biggest grin on his face we put the fish in the esky it went 74cm. Fished till 7.00 no bites so pulled up anchor and went to find some new squid spots got 3 nice squid in 1hr wish I got them in yesterday's session but all good back to boat ramp at 9.00am cooked the jewfish and squd tubes up and kept the head and tennicles for bait next timeesaja4e6.jpgbu4e2ata.jpgagu6usy8.jpgy2y2e2es.jpg

  3. Hi Daniel we had a try for a king we caught one big squid and a small yacka , towed them around the heads for 2.5 hrs not a touch. went to the spit bridge yacka was out less then 3 minutes when rod went off 61 cm salmon then another salmon 60 cm took squid home for dinner boys caught both salmon plus heaps of little snapper . next time for a kingy.

  4. Hi Greg That was us fishing.It was our first time there in the new boat it is a nauticstar 1900 offshore much the same as edgewater boat.Got a surprize when we started hooking into the hairtail .Never caught them before ,we got 4 lost about 10 at the boat no wire trace but good fun.How many did you get i seen a few you lost at the boat.I still have not caught one of those hairys my boys have got one up on me now.Going this weekend if weather is good.I have some photos with the hairys but cant put them up it took me 2days to put the other photos up .Might see you there again Greg . Brian.

  5. Hi raiders My name is Brian age 41 married with 3 boys age 7,5,2 they keep me busy with football and soccer.Just bought my first boat nauticstar 5.5m center console love it as much as the wife.Been fishing all my life still remember catching fish in my dads boat when i was a young boy.Would like to do the same with my boys so they have the same memories.The boys love fishing ,Lisa (wife) got sea sick first day and it was glass in botany bay ,so no more wifey comming fishing just the boys , bummer that !!!.We live in glenmore park penrith go the panthers.Good fishing Brian.post-6807-053770600 1331632227_thumb.jpg post-6807-027336800 1331632980_thumb.jpg

  6. Its been about 5 years since my last post gamefishing had 3 boys stopped fishing since . Now iam back just bought a new center console boat .Fished today at flintnsteel with my two sons Zane 7 and Noah 5 years old .The water was very muddy looking so I used mullet strips driffting .Noah caught a 42cm bream , 3 small flathead .Zane caught 56cm flathead and a bream 35cm all on 4kg line DAD all zeros flicking plastics around.Boys slept all the way home in the car back to Penrith

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