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Everything posted by twinfisher

  1. no mate i,ve only been up here for a few months it,s my first hope it,s not my last.
  2. Put in yesterday and headed off towards Swansea. Drove right into aheavy fog patch, couln,t see in front of my nose. Stopped the boat to wate for it to lift can,t waste time so i threw out a prawn with a pea sinker down to the hook,sat back, lit a smoke and the rod went off, nice bream on board same again 5 min. later.i had a grin from ear to ear. Same rod 4 LB fireline and another prawn out it went again , lit a smoke (got to finish it this time) it,s been out for 5 min so got up to check it, before i got there i got a hit and the drag was going off, thought i had the biggest bream i,ve ever caught, turned out as a 39 cm snapper. Didn,t expect to catch that size from there(about 300 mts past Gwanderlan bowls club in 30 ft of water. I,m stoked. CHEERS NORM.
  3. Top story mate , good for your boy even better for a proud dad.
  4. Put in as usual at Gwanderlan, went ass over head on the slippery ramp, landed on my right elbow,the kitten population won,t decline for the next couple of weeks. Anyhow can,t let that ruin afishing trip. Drifted from the south side of the island accross to wangi, very slow drift that took 3 hrs. plenty of tailor around but they wern,t on the top ,got bitten off a few times but i copped two. Pinched my missus,s royal red prawns out of the freezer before i left and gave them a try Got 4 throw back snapper.and 1 keeper(only just)and 1 flounder. It was am magic day on the water prob. too calm it was like a mill pond. I was content when i got home as i am always after fishing. Take care fellers and felleresses. I,m off to have a or 2.
  5. Thats a great idea, I,ll bring my benocs beable to see where you blokes catch all the fish.
  6. Off i went full of expectations for a new day, had all the bait,lures,you name it i had it. no birds working so i looked for a place to anchor up and berley up a bream or two. Dropped down a berley bomb in about 15ft of water and picked up 2 nice bream. That was it though for the morning, better than nothing. Thanks you all for the response i got from my fishing report yesterday. Great stuff. I,m learning on this thing so bear with me,I,ll answer a couple of questions here. Yes i,ve got a Twinfisher 4.3, great boat. I,ve moved up from Sydney a couple of months ago and living at Lake Mun.
  7. Yeh mate i moved up here from Sydney a coupla months ago and loving it. I live at Lake Mun.
  8. Launched out of Gwanerlan and set out for swansea ,between the islnd and wangi the birds were going ape----, snuck up on them and tossed a two inch blue metal lure at them and they liked it good qul. tailor around the 1.5 LB mark.Had a ball for half an hour or so, caught 12 kept 4. AS for the the rest of the day ,well i got a very tired wrist and forarm from throwing sp s around the place for no result. Ah well thats fishing,head out tom. and have another bash. tight lines.
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