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MaccaPoint Matty

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Everything posted by MaccaPoint Matty

  1. Thanks Mariner 31... She has lots of character and hopefully the next photo you see of her will be with her first kingfish... Im with you on the old boats - I just love the older styles - Also when out yesterday she took the rough waters with ease and my brother and i were saying if we had gone with a tinnie or small half cab we would be rocking around like a drunk sailor at 2am in the morning..! Thanks again mate and watch this space... kutti will be seeing alot of action in the coming months..! Thanks Jewgaffer... All i have to say to you is your the man - ive been reading your posts for months now and i have learnt so much from you and enjoy reading your posts everytime.. I hope to get into a jew sometime soon and with your tips it will make it some what eaiser to catch the elusive jewfish.. Before then i have a bet to work on - a bet with my brother to catch a kingfish - a case of beer is on offer... Thanks again - maccapoint matty
  2. Hey fellow raiders... Im sure everyone is looking forward to the long weekend ahead - plently of time on the water and hopefully heaps of great fish being caught...!! Well its been a great week for myself and my brother - after a number of years off the water we have finally brought a boat and this weekend will be the first of many weekends out on the harbour wetting a line... Now the old girl 'as we already call her' has plenty of room to wish and even more room for the on board which is why we chose her over a tinnie of half cab... Here she is so if you see us around give us a wave a hope to meet some radiers face to face over the coming months... I would just like to say a big thanks to Bob and Shannon who we brought her off (dont know your raider names) but i found her on this website and my brother and I look forward to having her for many years to come.. Tight lines everyone...
  3. Great report Ross - Im sure that kinda stuff makes your job worthwhile...
  4. G'day Huey, Thanks for your post. The 445R im looking at has been upgraded with a 2002 90HP Yamaha so im guessing it would be between 700-850kg then..? I own a Volvo S40 Turbo and I believe the towing capacity is around 700kg - need to double check that.. If you don’t mind I might give you a call at your shop for a chat about other boats, im trying to get as much feedback/info as I can and as you own your own shop you might be able to give a fellow fishraider some tips... I have been to a couple of boat dealers and they just want you to buy there boats and not really give any tips/advice on what is right for 'you' If that’s ok I’ll give you a buzz at your shop.. Thanks Huey
  5. Hey Frantic, Thanks for that - checked out the website but not much luck with that model... Even tried to call them and due to if being a different business to Haines Hunter they dont have any specs on that boat. I even tried to call Haines Hunter and they lost all of the boat specs prior to 2001 when they sold the business.. Anyway, thanks again mate.. Hi iricangi, Good point on the Haines deep V's - im keen to do some fishing outside so i know that hull will do a good job in choppy weather... I'll be out there soon mate hopfully chasing my first ever jew.. Thanks again..
  6. Hi Tidas, Thanks for coming back to me - the 460SR looks like a similar boat so hopefully the weight would be around the same... will keep doing my homework.. Appricate your help.. Cheers MPM
  7. Hi Raiders, Hoping a few of you out there can give me a few tips or advice on buying my boat. I have spent many years on the water on friends boats so I have an idea of what im looking for but this time around im spending my hard earned cash for my own baby... Im only looking to spend around $10K and looking to fish in the harbour and outside on a good day... I have been looking for a few months now doing a lot of research and the two boats that I have come up with are the Haines Hunter and Quintrex boats which both seem to be good value for money.... My only worry about the Haines Hunter is how much it will weigh - Does anyone know the weight of the Haines Hunter 445R...? I am open to anyone’s suggestions for a boat under $10K Im ideally looking for forward drive and with a canopy... keep the out of the sun!! Any advice is greatly appreciated... MPM
  8. Thanks for the advice Jewgaffer... Your tips will definitly help this weekend... P.s - Love your reports, im just about to get my own boat so i'll be hitting the water to chase my first ever jew soon!! Thanks Robbie.. Great report by namesay - my mouth is watering for some kingy action and wish i was out there right now.... geerrr Bloody work..!
  9. Hi all, Just wondering if anyone might be able to give me some tips on how to hook a live squid up and whats the best type of hooks to use...? Thanks - look forward to your tips...
  10. Thanks Stewy, might have to keep one next time for the table... Cheers
  11. Hey uglystick, as i said first time user... just trying to figure out how to post the pic. I can't copy and paste the pic, is there any other way to upload it..?
  12. Hi fishraiders... Long time reader, first time user.. Firstly best fishing website around, im a keen angler and have been for many years and find that all your tips and reports is helping me to bring home some fish for the missus! Unfortunately I don’t have a boat as yet (I will before next summer) so I usually fish around the McMahons Point area and have had some great luck of late however over the weekend I thought I would hire a boat and go for a drift around Quarantine Bay as a friend of mine landed an 85cm flathead a few weeks back in the same spot, he was actually using a live trev!!! Unfortunately I only managed a heap of small snappers, a couple of 20cm breams and a 10cm flatty... oh well next time!! The one decent fish of the day, unfortunately not a keeper was the fish in the attachment... I’m thinking it’s a rock cod of some form but I was hoping you might be able to help me out, at first I thought it was one of those bloody pests, sargent baker!! but then I noticed all the spikes... Hoping you can help and tell me exactly what it is... it would have measured about 30cm.. Thanks heaps!!
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