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Moro Mou

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Posts posted by Moro Mou

  1. Hello Adzzy,

    I agree with all the tips already given but i can also add - make sure you don't overfill the spool. Some may have a different theory but i think 2 - 3 mm below the rim is the max you want to go.

    The other is ensure the roller arm is on the top side of the rod when you grab the line before the cast. Ie holding the rod you should be able to reach the line with your trigger finger before you flip the bale. This ensures that the gap between where the line leaves the spool and where you are holding it is the shortest and therefore less likelihood of a big loop coming off when you cast. I often see people grab the line at the furthest point away from the rod and thus creating a big loop before you have even started to cast.

    Hope this helps.


    Moro Mou

  2. post-8087-1236029894_thumb.jpg



    Raiders - a delayed report from the weekend.

    Hit the harbour Sat am and my mate and i were not alone as there were plenty of boats enjoying the serenity. The game plan was to catch some yakkas and then hopefully convert them into a king or two. However like all good plans something went a miss and the yakkas didn't follow the script. So after some head scratching a suitable plan b was thought out. A quick troll through the harbour while still head scraching produced a nice tailor (pic attached) but unfortunatley it was alone us we could not drum up anymore.

    We then decided to do some bait bashing and this is when things started to heat up. We caught a wide variety of fish including trevally, flathead, flounder, bream, a heap of undersize snapper and we even had a double hook up on a couple of rat kings which had us dancing around the boat trying to avoid tangles. Somehow they were both landed but being well undersize they were promptly returned. A few rubbish fish (shovel nose and banjo sharks) but all in all it was pretty consistent action. All fish were caught on a variety of bait including pillies, prawns, squid and soft plastics. The surprize catch was the shovel nose on a SP.

    Of all the fish we caught (including 12 legal flatties) only 4 flatties were kept for the table and they were a treat in a beer batter later that evening with a cold beer.

    No records but plenty of fun and a good feed to top off the day. It is great to see that harbour alive and well.

    A few pics.

  3. Hello Jewgaffer,

    I find this a very interesting topic and it is something that i have been meaning to monitor for years but have just been too lazy to do so. I have heard many times in the past that the baro has a big effect in the freshwater scene and in particular impoundment fishing for natives. I normally don't hear this until i have fished hard for a few days for nothing though!!

    That said i am going to begin recording for all future outings and will let you know in due course of my results.

  4. Hi Raiders,

    I went for a plastics/bait session yesterday afternoon on the change of the tide in Middle Harbour. First few casts were all quite but the third produced a few taps. On inspection of what was left of the rubber a few small bite marks were revealed. A new rubber was put on for the same result. At first i thought they were small tailor but after watching in the water i noticed schools of small leatheries.

    I changed to bait and eventually landed a few for a feed but it was tough going as baits were monstered within seconds and my hook was a little big.

    I must admit i thought these schools were limited to offshore locations not right up the harbour. Has anyone else had this problem?

  5. A couple of mates and I had a quick session early this morning. On the water at 0520, livies in the tank by 0550 and then off out the heads. We slowed trolled for about 15 minutes before one of the rods buckled over and i came up solid on a good king. It had a couple of good runs before i saw some colour and then had it boat side. Some messing around with the landing net and an overly hasty pull on the leader by me caused the hook to pull and the fish swam off - the perfect release i suppose. It was estimated at around the 65 cm mark but i guess we will never know for sure.

    A bit more trolling and a couple of missed hits later my rod buckled again. This time it was my mates turn and he fought, a little more patiently i shoud add, and soon had the fish alongside. This time there was no missing with the net and the fish was landed - 71 cm.

    We continued to troll and had a few more missed hits before calling it quits for the morning.

    Just finished a nice plate of sashimi for lunch and now need a good lie down . . .

    No photos sorry (the early start got to me and i forgot the camera) . . .


  6. Hello administrators,

    I am reasonably new to the site and i am intrigued about everyones member status, ie gold member, frequent member, additicted member etc

    Is this status based on number of posts, years of service, contribution etc or a combination of factors?

    I would be interested to know. Thanks

  7. Hello Raiders

    Can anyone tell me what the history behind Banana's and boats?

    This morning i took a mate for a quick trip on the harbour to hopefully find a King but if all else failed at least a few tailor for some light tackle fun. We couldn't sight any Kings but found a school of small tailor and first cast i hooked one but it fell off while trying to lift into the boat. I threaded on a new plastic, as the little fella still stole my grub tail, and 2nd cast i was on again and this time boated before it was released. My mate then said "yep i'm on" but low and behold he had hooked a banana skin. I quickly said "what ever you do don't bring the bloody thing into the boat!!!. Unfortunately he could no wiggle the jig head free so the skin came on board.

    With that the fish went and for the life of us we could find another school for the rest of the morning and headed back to the ramp only boating 1 fish. Needless to say i blamed the banana.

    Appreciate anyones advise on why Banana's are a bad omen?

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