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Moro Mou

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Posts posted by Moro Mou

  1. post-8087-1232968829_thumb.jpg



    After a quite weekend with the boat staying dry i could not shake the fishing bug so i opted for another landbased session to end the day. A small bream and a tailor on rubbers followed by a yakka. Unfortunately for the yakka it did not go back in and the fillets came off and one reentered the water with a 2/0 hook in it.

    A few minutes passed before the slack line dissappeared and i came up solid. At first i thought yep a good flatty but after it had a couple of great runs and plenty of head shakes i thought for a moment it may have been a small jew. Yet again fishing only 4lb leader it was a case of letting the fish do its stuff and getting back line when i could. When the big girl appeared from the depths i thought here we go again how am i going to land this one. Some close calls wading thru the oysters and onto the only patch of sand i could find and eventually had a thumb grip on her. A couple of very quick photos and then back into the drink she went. She stayed in the shallows for a minute or two before slowly turning her head and swimming back to the depths. At 76 cm she was a PB for me and a great way to cap off Aust Day.

  2. Hello Raiders,

    I had a quick plastics session this evening for no joy so switched to unweighed pillie fillets. Managed a few small bream before coming up solid on the attached. I was only using 4lb fluro leader and must admit thought i had no chance but manged to navigate the plyons and eventually beach her. Interesting though during the fight i polietly asked two people holding a boat whether they had a landing net i could borrow. One of them said yes and the other said no. When i polietly asked again they said it was in the boat and they could not get it. Anyway when i lowered the flatty back into the water after a quick photo and watched it swim off the two unhelpful people looked at me with amazment and couldn't beleive what i had done.

    Hopefully i will get another chance at the big girl some other day but with a plastic.


  3. Plenty of surface action still this morning but i couldn't boat a king. We only tried stick baits and despite a few knocks and plenty of follows couldn't get one to stick. We ended up using small 2" grubs and had a bawl on small tailor. We ended up boating over 30 but most were undersized. I wasn't worried though as all were released.

    They (kings and Tailor) are feeding on 1 inch size whitebait so probably the fly guys will have more sucess.

    Anyway a good morning none the less.

  4. After an unsucessful freshwater session early last week i was keen to get back on the water to try and use my fishing gear for what is was meant for - catching fish.

    A mate and i had an early start on Sat and despite nursing a corker of a hangover i was keen to get line wet. I had planned a plastics only session despite reports of good kings being taken on squid. We hit the first marker and on the second cast a few splashes and then bang on. Not sure of its size but after 3 very good runs i was busted off on 30lb!!! We persisted for a little longer and then moved to the next marker, and the next and the next for nothing. Finally on the 5th marker my mate hooked and after a good fight boated a 56cm rat. Shortly afterwards i was on and a smaller 53cm model was boated. They were only little fella's but good fun and it was nice to get my mojo back.



  5. Thanks Arn09,

    On the recent trip we really concentrated on lures, trolling and casting. Experimented with all sorts of things, colour, size etc including a copper spoon rigged with a paravein to stop the twist. This was recomended by one of the local guys. Both the bust offs came from this rig. The quick bait sessions we had we used Bardi's, yabbys and worms but are hearts were no in it by this stage.

    I love my freshwater fishing but think i will give Glenbawn and Windamere a go before heading back down south.

  6. thanks rockyjack,

    yes i have heard it many times . . . you should have been hear last week it was awesome. Also i like your comment that if you read/hear it is firing you are probably too late.

    Anyway who said fishing was just about catching fish half the fun is preparing and getting away for a few days to catch up with friends. Catching fish just makes your fishing reports more interesting to read!!!

  7. Yeah unfortunately when the fishing turns off in freshwater to don't have too many other options. At least in the salt you have numerous fish species that you can target.

    I think it is time to boat me a few Sydney kings to get my mojo back!!!

  8. Hello all,

    After reading a good report from Blowering Dam i deceided to gice the freshwater seen a go.

    Two mates fished Blowering for a full day (and night) and only managed 2 small cod. 1 was 49 cm but the other the lure looked big in comparison. As a result they made the call to head to Burrinjuck early on Tuesday morning. This pleased me somewhat as the drive from Sydney was much easier.

    I arrived at 3.30 pm and the other guys had already had a few hours on the water for nothing. I was hoping that my arrival would change things for the better . . . . no harm in hoping. We fished through until 11pm and only manged 1 small yellow belly for our troubles. They highlights however were dropping a nice cod boat side (estimated at 60 cm+) and getting busted off on 50lb braid (twice) by what could only be described as a monsters.

    We had a final early morning session yestreday and only caught a carp and a very small redfin.

    I was a relaxing few days but it certainly has me questioning why i would leave Sydney to catch nothing when there are an abundance of King captures all over fishraider!!

  9. Hello,

    Like Linton i also use the double paternoster rig. The only variation they i use apart from what has already been mentioned is - On one of the top hooks thread on a plastic (no jig head just a hook). I think they call this drop shotting but it is effective particually with 2 - 3 inch grub type platics.

    I also find that you want a slow drift. If you are moving too fast you will get far less hookups.

    Hope this helps.

  10. post-8087-1227410041_thumb.jpgFishraiders,

    Despite very oridnary conditions this morning given that a mate and i had a leave pass we decided to give it a go. The wind and chop kept as from going too far but as luck would have it we found a sheltered spot where we could at least have a coffee and contemplate what to do.

    With a warm coffee in our guts a few baits were dropped to see what was around. It was long before a few small snapper were caught but we were hoping for something better. We flicked a few plastics but low and behold only another undersize snapper was caught so it was back to the bait.

    Finally a good hit came and the new rod and reel was to be christened on somthing decent - a more than respectable 50 cm flatty.

    Pic attached.

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