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Posts posted by loxo

  1. Heading down to Bermagui to camp for the first time in ages from boxing day to early new year. Really looking forward to it, taking our young bloke (he's 19 months old) and just loves being outside so he should have a great time.

    Haven't had a chance to fish at all since I started my new job 3-4 months ago and have never fished in Bermagui so I plan on spending the entire week just throwing in a line and relaxing. The river down there looks like a great spot to score some estuary fish and I'll be spending my time chasing a feed and exploring. Can't wait to be honest.

    Hope everyone has a great break.

  2. I'm hoping that after the Christmas Holidays Bermagui will be my favourite place to fish. Will mean we have had a great trip!

    So far my favourite place to have fished has been Broome. Awesome fish to be had up there, loved it.

    I'd love to fish Lord Howe Island. Everything I've read and seen looks great, one day.

  3. Aweome report. Sounds like you guys had a blast, caught some terrific fish too by the look of it. Mentioning Grady's Riverside Retreat certainly brought up some memories, we camped there for years as kids. Can't imagine what it looks like now though, haven't been there in at least 15 years.

    Well done on a great trip.

  4. Nice fish mate. Well done.

    I have heard of people using chicken breast for Bream before but have never tried it myself. How exactly do you use it? It's not cooked right? How do you rig it?



  5. Was up there all weekend. Had a heap of beers on Friday after arriving so just threw out a few prawns off the little beach jetty that night to unwind and caught a couple of little bream for fun. 2 young blokes with there dad caught a nice PJ and seemed to be having a ball.

    Sat was the Mr's b'day so we spent the day together and I looked forward to spending the day Sunday fishing. I watched a heap of boats come in at little beach all day Saturday and the fish cleaning tables there were flat out. A heap of Snapper was being cleaned and there was some beauties amongst them up to 5 kilo's on occasion. Later in the day some of the guys that had been out wider came in and some awesome Kingies were seen to be being cleaned. My Mr's had never seen one up close and was pleased as punch when one of the blokes let her touch one. :1prop:

    Anyway I could see why the locals can get annoyed at the tourists. We had been talking to these blokes and been pretty friendly. I know enough about fisho's to not push my luck and had just asked a couple of basic questions about there day like how they had caught them ect, nothing in depth and just friendly chat, (turns out they had been jigging for them), anyway I'm explaining to my Mr's that you can catch these beautiful fish in the Harbour if you know what your doing and about how hard they fight and all the good stuff when another bloke decides to enter the convo.

    Tourist, "so where did you catch them"

    Local, "oh we were a fair way out"

    T, "how far"

    L, "oh fair way, bout 20km's"

    T, "well which way, left right what? where did you get them????"

    L (getting agitated), "straight out mate"

    T, " so straight out 20km,s. is it a reef? what's it called.......blah blah blah

    On and on he went. He was annoying us so I can only imagine how they felt, they'd obviously had a big day, and were friendly enough they just didn't need to be hassled. It got to the point where the 2nd guy (at this stage cleaning a kingie that was definately over a metre) spits out "we caught them off the back of the bloody boat mate!" We had a nice laugh at that and decided to let them be, said thx for the chat and headed off. Once again they were sweet with us.

    So after seeing all these fish I'm looking forward to Sunday, but I'm trustworthy and stupid. I left my tackle box (jam packed because I'm the kinda bloke that cant walk past a tackle store without buying something) and 2 rods on our cabin deck the saturday night after the Mr's B'day dinner. Of course come Sunday morning someone has decided they needed them more than I did and all my gear is gone. :1badmood: I had 2 more rods in the car but no gear and with the foul taste in my mouth I couldn't be bothered buying anymore so no fishing for me. Luckily for me they took it on the Sat night because I'd left the car keys in the top of the tackle box after my little Friday night fish. That would have been bad!!

    Anyway apart from that it was a great weekend. Moral of the story I guess is 1. don't leave anything valuable outside (I'm sure most know this) and 2. there is plenty of quality fish up there if you know where to look. If you're only going up for a couple of days maybe a charter might be the go. Tap into the local knowledge and give youself the best chance to score some good fish.

    Good luck and enjoy the trip.

    Oh, and PS. The snapper fillets we bought from the co-op on Sunday afternoon went down a treat :1prop: even if the King Prawn's were a tad expensive at $35 bux a kilo. Gotta keep the boss happy on her b'day weekend!

  6. I'm actually going up there this weekend, never been there before and would love to get some fishing in over the weekend. We are staying at Halifax in Nelsons bay. Any land based advice for around there? Would love to just catch a feed of bream, whiting or flathead for the missus and I :) Won't have a boat but will definately be getting a line in the water. Thanks for any tips.

  7. Great fish mate. It's a great spot just for a walk let alone a fish. I got my best ever whiting in the narrow channel down there a couple of years ago on a nipper.

    Funny thing is a couple of blokes were going past in their tinnie at the time and I could hear them talking about how hard it was fishing the shore down there and basically how lucky they were to have a boat. At the time I was envious of them and thought how I'd love to have a boat and how there must be oodles of fish out there waiting for me to catch them. Strange thing is I can't remeber leaving down there without at least a fish or 2 for a feed. In the following years I have had access to a boat and have given Grays Point a bit of a miss. To be honest since then I have had more unsucsessful trips in the Hacking then sucsessful ones. The grass isn't always greener as they say.

    Anyway your report has encouraged me to get back down there and have a bit of a fish! Thanks for that and congrats again.

  8. Congrats Doug. BEautiful looking fish, have never caught one myself but that looks a great speciman. I remember the rush I got when I caught my first Kingie (he only just went 60 cm) to land a fish like that especially on plastics must have felt great. Your fast becoming the harbour guru on here!!!

    Look forward to your next report.

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