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Posts posted by Markus

  1. yeah like Bluecod said..Flint and Steel.. a nice place too. Hope your fit though :1prop: bit of a walk. I believe theres a walking track down to Jerusalem bay in (cowan creek) if you wana chek that out but havnt fished there myself so cant tell you what its like. Cottage point (cowan too) Umm Theres a track that goes round Barrenjoey head From the flats back of Palm beach. Theres a few.

    Let us know how you go!

  2. Gday people!

    Went with G I Joe and my cousin for a bit of light amusement on the harbour as we hadnt been out for a fish in weeks and the fishing reports have been down to zero :thumbdown: .

    Tried at Sow and Pigs first and then headed round up Middle Harbour. Spotted Joe Cool as we were slowly cruisin thru Balmoral area so stopped to say Gday! :thumbup: (any luck Joe?) Never met a Fishraider before so that was a first.

    Anchored near Chinamans beach, burleyed up a little and ended up with a plauge of Slimeys which were great fun on the light gear. To add a little spice to the day my cousin managed a 50cm Kingie....also a first for us! :1clap:

    Anyway fun is what we had and now me just relaxing with a nice cold Corona (not exactly my beer of choice but its doing a damned fine job :thumbup: )

    Cheers to you all!

  3. Hey LB Im currently using an IS15 and havnt had any trouble. Yes maybe a litle heavier than the other reels but im not to fussed myself. I have pulled in a 4-1/2 kilo carp with it and it didnt miss a beat. Im happy anyway.

  4. despite representing less than 2% of the world’s 3.5 million fishing boats, have the capacity to seize almost 60% of the global catch.

    The vessel, built by the Kevin McHugh shipyard in Killybeggs, is so large it will be capable of landing enough stock every day to feed 14 million people.

    What tha???? Is that for real? Did i read correctly?

  5. I think these morons deserve the fine they got and full credit to fisheries for putting their foot down


    Sadly i dont think it''ll stop people continuing these stupid practices....Im sorry but there are people out there that are absolutley stupid... take the death penalty,

    hasnt stopped people offending. $12000 lota money but sum people for sum reason would just love to part with it.

  6. Good catch there Weasel :D ...........talking bout carp, just caught a monster on thursday. Pick it up while cathing mullet at Hanna Park on the Nepean. Friend took a happy snap so will post asap. Round bout 4 n half kilo fish on 6lb braid with 6lb mono leader. :2gun:

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