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Everything posted by tide'n'knots

  1. tide'n'knots


    if you are worried about the salty taste on your drinks you can seal them in clip top plastic bags. saves room on the boat rather than taking 2 eskys! Pete.
  2. mate if thats a slow day the rest of us must be pretty ordinary fishos!
  3. my son and I were fishing a channel marker for leatherjacket one day when a couple of kings shot out to harrass a small trevally that he caught, for about the next 1/2 hour we threw squid, soft plastics, hard bodies and even poppers at them for no luck when I finally said - mate forget it, put the heavy gear away and just fish for jackets again, guess what happened - no sooner had the light gear come out and a kingie nailed it! the fish luckily swam away from the post and to my sons credit he managed to land it, only 55cm but top fun on 6lb line!
  4. tide'n'knots


    make an ice slurry in your esky! simply empty the ice into your esky and put in about a bucket of salt water. The salt in the water helps stop the ice from melting and any fish caught and placed in this will be in supurb condition at the end of the day. As long as ths lid is left on the esky and only opened for drinks or to put in a fish you should still have ice left in the water at the end of the day. pete.
  5. top lizards mate!!! when they are that size it doesnt matter that you only got 2!! well done. Pete.
  6. Does anyone know if there are surgeons at sow and pigs?? I have heard that there are blackfish there at times so I am assuming(not knowing much about surgeons having never caught one) that they frequent the same sorts of spots. Alternetively does anyone know where to catch surgeons from a boat in the harbour as I am going to try tomorrow. any info would be greatly appreciated. PM me if you dont want everyone knowing your favorite spot if you like. Thanks, Pete.
  7. well done mate and good fish ! chasing them from a boat is definately easier. land based can be very difficult. since owning a boat my success has been far greater. excellent work. great fish to break your duck with. Peter.
  8. I could not agree more with what your saying byron! when we were kids one of the best bass spot was right where the sand dredge was sucking up sand and stirring up the bottom, it was noisy as all hell but it provided food and attracted fish. I feel very much the same way as you in that the fish will become used to there surroundings if there is abit of noise on a constant basis they seem to become oblivious to it. A bit like a new baby in the house - if you sneak around whispering and tip toeing then the slightest noise will probably wake them, but if you live your life as per normal the baby becomes accustomed to the noise and sleeps well. Where boat traffic and other noises become a problem, is in an area that is usually quiet and then there is for some reason noise that isnt usually there, such as the upper reaches of the hawkesbury during a bridge to bridge race, apart from being dangerous to be on the water at that time, the unusual amount of noise would probably put the fish off, however there is probably a similar amount of boat traffic on any given day in sydney harbour, but the fish still bite because they are use to it! pete.
  9. If that pink thing is a squid jig I bet he will be stoked!!
  10. just like to take this opportunity to wish all fishraiders a safe and very fishy christmas,I hope the fish gods smile on all of you and you all catch your PB! Look forward to hearing your reports after the christmas break I bet there will be some beauties! All the best to you and your families! Pete.
  11. hey josh, thats fishing - some days are diamonds some days are stone! at least you figured out what the successful fishos were using for next time! we fished north head a couple of weeks ago and a guy was killing em while all we could do was watch, the bait he was using was a dark colour like some kind of gut maybe??? were these guys using something similar? PM me if you dont want the whole world knowing. Pete.
  12. kissing point ramp is in the parra river near homebush bay drive. As you cross the bridge heading towards victoria rd, the ramp and ferry stop is to your right. Its a little bit tricky to get to from homebush bay drive, but with the help of a UBD you should work it out - good luck.
  13. Hi raiders, took my girlfriends son in law (richard) and grandson (jarrod) fishing at booklyn this morning. Arrived about 6am and went straight to one of my favorite run out jew spots. We put out a couple of squid baits with no luck except for a couple of small snapper caught by jarrod on prawns. At 8am decided to round up some fresh bait to go with the frozen prawns so we went to my secret mullet spot and caught 6 mullet and a garfish by 9am - then the wind started! By the time I arrived out near patonga it was a complete blowout, we tried unsuccessfully for about 1 hour but the wind was blowing in the opposite direction to the current and we decided to try the back of dangar instead managed a fairly good drift with the wind and current both going in the same direction but the flathead didnt want to play! jarrod lost the only keeper at the boat when it opened its mouth spat the hook and sat there looking at us for a few seconds, I had a swipe with the net and managed to get it in and straight back out again -DOH! highlights were Jarrod out fished both richard and myself and managed to catch his first ever fish ( even if it was undersized!) 2 small snapper, a small flathead and dropped a keeper at the boat - he was stoked! that was the idea behind the fishing trip after all.
  14. Hi mate, I picked up a little not far from kissing point boat ramp after the soft plastics workshop a couple of weeks ago, its not very long but just long enough to get a bait and not heaps there but enough! good luck. Pete.
  15. Hi mike, well done! The best flattie I have personally caught was a simalar size in brisbane waters on a pillie also. Obviously the bigger flathead dont mind pillies! One of the methods I use for jew is to take a fillet off one side then bury the hook about half way down the pillie in the gut area and half hich around the tail, leaving the gut exposed, I have caught several decent jew this way over the years - perhaps it would work on the flathead as well if you have a productive flathead ground. once again, nice fish, well done. Pete.
  16. I think I will concentrate my jewie efforts to the brooklyn end of the river now until april. Any trips to wiso's between now and april will be aimed at bream and flathead.
  17. I heard a rumour a few years back that a bull shark was caught at wilberforce near windsor. I am pretty sure that it was in the local haweksbury gazette newspaper. Pete.
  18. yeh I imagine it would have been belting out in the daytime as the tides were a fair bit bigger than the night tides. did the shark have a stout blunt nose? not sure but i think so.
  19. hi guys , I fished wisemans ferry on monday night, nothing spectacular to report except a couple of undersize soapys a stingray and several catfish. The only exciting thing caught was a 4 ft shark! not sure what type but it looked like a whaler or perhaps a bull shark( i believe they are similar in looks)???as I was trying to figure out how to land it and release it, it chewed through the leader and saved me the trouble! For a few seconds I thought I had a half decent fish - what a dissapointment, although I guess some people would be happy to catch a shark, not me. The water is pretty dirty at the moment and to be perfectly honest I really didnt expect to catch much, it was more of a chill out session for me than a serious fish, a decent fish would have been a bonus. Pete.
  20. I am pretty busy at this time of the year but if I go at all , perhaps chase some surgeons for something different in the harbour, and kingies as a back up plan!- maybe. Pete.
  21. they are candidates for fish of the month if ever there was!!! well done Pete.
  22. the bouy on the map has lso.2s. written next to it.
  23. The squid your talking about is LUNDS california squid and is always in superb condition. I have caught both jew and kingies on it an find it works very well!
  24. There are some great rock fishing spots at cathrine hill bay a bit further up the coast towards swansea. you will get good blackfish, drummer, and at times good kingies. most of the guys use live yellowtail for the kingies but I reckon squid would work also. if you drive to the end of town there is land owned by the coal mine that you walk through, its a reasonable walk but the fishing is well worth it. You can also get to the rocks heading right from the surf beach under the large coal wharf ,the first rocks you come to will produce a few bream and groper but the kingie spot is further south. keep going until you see an area that has a decent gutter that runs up under the cliffs into a cave, just south of that there is a bit of a bay, the left hand side of the bay with the gutter behind you produces kingies , but beware there is an under water cave at your feet and the kingies will head straight for it when you hook one. If you still cant find the spot, alternatively go to the pub and ask, someone there will point you in the right direction. good luck. pete.
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