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Everything posted by mrsswordfisherman

  1. Well done grantm, get the last one and you will be FR trivia king (5 blot)
  2. Well done grantm, although all sequels
  4. I agree Grantm. I am a healthcare professional and daily receive Health Dept bulletins regarding "health alerts". A lot of the warnings issued are due to the litigious nature of our society unfortunately. It is up to an individual to read and listen and to make up their own minds about how to respond. Cheers mrsswordfisherman P.S. Its great that we have a forum such as this to air our views and speak freely and learn from each other about issues such as this one.
  5. Sorry didn't mean to offend, johblow. I have removed the naked pic ;-) Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  6. Field of Dreams is correct kikila well done Thanks all stand by tomorrow for more trivia Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  7. 40 Year Old Virgin (Davy) Field of Dreams (kikila) Kung Fu Hustle (swordfisherman) Titanic (crazedfisherdude) Wizard of Oz (crazedfisherdude)
  8. You got 2 kikila well done - check the pics now for answers Well done Stewy Monty Python and the Holy Grail (one of my favs)
  9. WTG David Try some of these ones .... APOCALYPSE NOW (kikila) Batman: The Movie (kikila) The Dukes of Hazzard (Davy) Monty Python and the Holy Grail (swordfisherman) Mr and Mrs Smith (Davy)
  10. OK here is the in depth report on the rus_cb send off held at The Intersection Hotel at Kogarah. We all arrived at the designated time. The night flowed along smoothly until Chris decided to knock several glasses flying off the balcony to the street down below. Most of the raiders were studying the street below intently and rating the young ladies (great view of their ) as they walked into the pub. The 2 oldest male members were particularly good at this exercise bloody pervs ....... We continued to party on and eventually the security asked us to move on to the beer garden outside due to the increasing level of noise that we were producing The activities continued with each person performing tricks. Sharky started with the MATCH TRICK that mystified everybody especially Dane who had been trying to work it out for years. Swordfisherman shattered the dream by duly performing the trick on his first attempt. Not to be outdone, Outnumbered produced a trick of ginormous proportions whilst we looked on in awe. Brian did the MANIPULATION OF THE TWIG TRICK and he dared anyone to have 5 goes and if unsuccessful a beer was to be sent his way. Mr Magician Sharky cracked the uncrackable and we all had a good laugh (see attached pic of Sharky psyching himself up in the corner ) Next came Dane with THE DISAPPEARING SMOKE TRICK and a contortionist stunt. Rus_cb performed THE HOW TO BEND A CIGARETTE WITHOUT BREAKING IT TRICK. Outnumbered brought his lovely magician's assistant Teri in to show THE BEER ON TOP OF HEAD BALANCING TRICK which all men had thought was a myth (see pic attached). The night came to an end. Sammy0884 almost had a head on collision with a dumb blonde in the carpark. Sir Crazedfisherdude (mr celebrity) and his princess Nicole were whisked away in a chariot driven by his Mum and Dad. Me and Stewy drove Sharky and Dane home. Poor Dane received a phone call from a gorgeous woman at 1am and his phone battery ran out. The screams would have been heard several suburbs away over that mishap. All in all a fantastic night and it was a pleasure to meet you Russ. Please keep in touch via the forums until your next visit to Sydney. Cheers mrsswordfisherman Not real sure what Brian was up to here
  11. Hi and a big to all the new members this week. The site membership is growing steadily and this week we have 34 new raiders BROWNIE, JasonB, kantong, Aron, kingfish, garyd, ko 76, KINFISHER10, parad0x, impulse, fwonder, 10/0 in da head, bonnells boy, McBarry01, lokpikn, dpinta, letsgo, rnowak, fish_chopper, shole01, RestoreMaz, budgie, sneaky, horse 59, brw0513, wayneo, Cyclops, OzDebP, riverrat321, Freyr, baldjamie, Benums, blind freedy, ramjh Enjoy the site. Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  12. Hmmmm it wasn't me either and got the pics to prove it Watch this post for all the pics from last night, and the REAL inside story. Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  13. Some very valid points put forward here by the members regarding various things. It has gone a little "off topic" TiMmY but I am sure you will have found some of what you needed answered. You had done your research on Quintrex and Stacer boats and specifically asked for views from Poly owners on the Polycraft. Those that have experience with Polys have given you some ideas hopefully. Whatever boat you choose I am sure that you will spend many many pleasurable hours doing what we all enjoy, Don't forget to post us all a pic of the new purchase and good luck!! Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  14. What an interesting debate this has evolved into. Firstly I will revert back to the original post by TiMmY. 1. The MAIN point is that he wants an OPEN BOAT not one with half cabins, windscreens, biminis and/or "creature comforts". 2. He specifically asks for the opinions of those that have had tinnies and now own a Poly. 3. Requests any fishos that have had experience with Poly boats to help him out to get a better idea. Telco, thank you for your opinions and comments but in your post you admit that you "don't own a poly or an alloy boat". Swordfisherman has fished out of tinnies and half cabins and all manner of craft for many years (up to a 7.5 metre PREDATOR). Prior to owning the Poly, swordfisherman fished out of a 4 metre Brooker flat bottom pointy nose punt. Before that he owned a 5.2 Caribbean Crestcutter (same as Outnumbered's boat). I feel that swordfisherman is well authorised to answer this gentleman's questions based on the above facts and I hope his honest, reliable and credible comments regarding the Poly will help TiMmY with his next purchase. On the subject of propaganda, perhaps the Poly owners of the world could form a philosophical group to propagate the dogma........... All jokes aside, come on all you Poly boat owners, help TiMmY out here too. I am sure he is looking forward to more opinion on this excellent boat. By the way Telco, I just looked at the pic of your gorgeous skiboat in the Members Pics post. I enjoyed skiing in my younger days too. I loved your comment "not much of a fishing machine but the loves it". It sure pays to keep the women happy huh Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  15. Woohoooo must be because I am a true blue aussie sheila (and run trivia nights ) Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  16. Yes yes we will thanks (and help too) Cheers Donna
  17. Yes Stewy is right there. We have always had good service from them and they turned our boat out beautifully as you saw at the social day. We seem to push this company down everyone's throats at times but they looked after us and we are very pro Polycraft as it has exceeded all expectations. They sell other brands there as well, new and second hand and you may pick up something that suits your price range. Don't forget that you can start off with a basic hull and add stuff as finances permit Don't despair, take your time and keep on being a great deckie with your fishraider mates till you become a skipper in your own right Above all ENJOY YOUR FISHING Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  18. No worries mate, a few people get caught with that one. Glad to be of help Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  19. Hi Sammy, Try this solution, its a common problem. You have your setting on OUTLINE and it needs to be on STANDARD. Select OPTIONS on top right of this screen for a menu of DISPLAY MODES Regards mrsswordfisherman
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