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Everything posted by mrsswordfisherman

  1. Ah gentleman's hours suit me nicely. Swordfisherman and I and my 11 year old daughter Lucinda decided to venture to Chipping Norton lakes for an afternoon spin session on hardbodies. Dressed in my NEW Xmas fishing apparel I was feeling confident about how the afternoon would unfold. The boat was of course weighed down with the obligatory beers, cokes and sandwiches and other niceties (which swordfisherman always forgets). We arrived at the boat ramp and Lucinda spied a car parked there with two heads nodding up and down in the back seat hmmmmmm. Perhaps they were fishing for crabs but we didnt see any marker bottles hanging out the window .......... stop looking swordfisherman and get that boat launched (he is such a perv) !!!! Off we went towards Cabramatta Creek armed with 3 lightweight spin sticks loaded with pink Smiling Jacks (yes must be pink for girls). We commenced our assault on the bream heading towards Liverpool Weir. The water looked good and the current assisted us nicely. Second cast swordfisherman yells the "I'm on". Well I don't know about on , but it was a small bream but at least a start. We continually cast at the snags and structure which were numerous along the bank and the hits were coming thick and fast. Most of the bream were in the 20 - 25cm range with a couple of 30's thrown in for good measure. Stewy's expert boat driving skills kept us in constant touch with the structure (wish I was up the front in Stewyland grrrr). We were halfway towards the weir and we met up with some bass followed by an ep and a blackfish!! The bream still kept biting all the way to the weir, even in amongst the giant carp !! What a day, we landed over 50 bream, a bass, an ep, and a 30 cm blackfish all taken on the same pink lures. We were surprised there were not a lot more bass towards the freshwater but the bream well and truly made up for it. A top afternoon's fishing although Lucinda didn't get a fish but she tried her heart out with plenty of strikes. On the way back at 7.30pm Lucinda waved at a boat just in front of the creek. She said 'Mum, look, that man is real friendly he is waving lots". When I looked the guy was waving frantically. When we went over, his motor had failed, so we gave him a tow back to the ramp. Below are some pics of the day. Stewy's whopper The following pic is the swordfisherman trying a "new kind of ugly stick" , looked like it had a slight bend in it Cheers all mrsswordfisherman
  2. Mick, try using our search facility here (top left) also. Type in Glenbawn or Seal Rocks etc and finds all our informative posts on the areas Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  3. Good for you Grant! Contacting the Department to let them know of your concerns and ideas for education is a good one. I would have thought that education of the general public on issues would be included in the Department services. Prior to amalgamating the 4 industries (2004) was it any better? Some plain English pamphlets instead of "legalese" regs would help us average rec fisho people and yes some signs for sure. Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  4. Guess it depends who you talk to sometimes. I always find it safest to abide by written legislation, rules, regs or guidelines as it is usually quite clear and prescriptive (except when you deal with healthcare legislation as I do lol). Some very interesting links from all here and its still confusing Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  5. Those overseas prawns are not a patch on those beautiful fresh prawns you can catch yourself. The fun of prawning with mates on a hot summer's night is a whole heap better than fighting the crowds at the fish markets. When the prawns come in from Windang they are over $40 a kilo and the sweetest on the coast. Enjoy your prawning jimmy, we may even have a lash this week ourselves. Yummyyyy P.S. I have heard that the fish are on at Da Costi's as well (a hot tip), they take a nice picture once the paper is removed Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  6. Hi there, Use rock salt which is a coarser salt than table salt. Just cover the fillets with a layer on the bottom and a layer on the top so they are lightly covered. The salt absorbs the fluids including any water and toughens it up so it is not easily torn off the hook. Salted this way in a sealed container can last for many months in the normal part of the fridge. Hide it from the in a brown paper bag . Glad swordfisherman only uses sp's or hardbodies now as the container took up a lot of room in the fridge Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  7. The dark of the moon is now upon us, the prawns should be running. Try The Entrance/Tuggerah Lakes or Long Jetty on the Central Coast or on the South Coast try Lake Illawarra at Windang. There is a favourable high tide in the evenings and prawns should run on the run-out tide. Carry that fishing licence and there are bag limits on prawns. Don't forget to keep a few live ones for the whiting and flatheads. Good luck fellas! P.S. Wear waders or sandshoes in case of encountering a fortescue (see pic of the nasty thing) Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  8. Thanks for the pic alexit, I have been dying to see what you guys all got - fabulous work there all Cheers mrsswordfisherman
  9. Yes Bob, the wife will be very comfy there. The views from the balcony are superb and one can check out the kangaroos that come each evening and night onto the grass in front of the cabins. There are some nice walks around the area and the couple that run the kiosk are great for a chat. The fishing is excellent, of course Cheers Donna
  10. I can't wait for those reports, Trev. Perhaps some pics of what you guys received would be great
  11. Ah nothing like a beautiful sunset after a perfect day ...........
  12. Wow what a great site! For a newbie to fishing that sure shows me how things have evolved. Thanks for sharing that with us all mate
  13. Hmmmmmm ok a huge magnifying glass, peacock feathers, a vice, eyes and adhesive.........This is starting to look like my mum's needlework group!! Actually I can go rifle through all their stuff, can I use the silver lame perhaps and make some really trendy retro flies??? All jokes aside guys it looks absolutely fascinating and very skilled. Can you post some more pics so I can get a real handle on this please Cheers Donna
  14. OMG you guys are fantastic ! This looks fascinating and some excellent design work can be seen in your pics. I would love to have a go at doing this sometime too. Swordfisherman told me I need a whip finisher and lotssssss of equipment woooohoooo. Going to check out the "how to make flies" sites
  15. Yes seabreeze sources its data directly from BOM of course and its format is more user friendly and water sport specific than the govt site. I wonder if there should be a FBOM (Fishraider Bureau Of Meteorology), it may be more reliable
  16. Thanks for the encouragement Herby. I hope I can one day win an award. Sounds like you have some mighty fine woman as friends, mate good choice!
  17. Ah thank you gentlemen for the prompt responses . To Telcobroker, I seem to recall throwing my eyes over that publication but alas, it went out of print soon after its release (not a top seller) . I challenge all the guys to read the "instructions" on the website I just came across http://www.bassresource.com/women_bassfish...fe_fishing.html To fishn4fun, good on you for compromising, mate. To my wonderful swordfisherman, passion stakes are never a problem for us but geez I will take you up on the washing, ironing cooking deal no wuckers darl
  18. Ok guys I have read this topic's posts with mixed feelings . I am new to this sport and love to read the posts on here usually. I have often wondered why it is so male dominated. Women can outdo men in most things as we all know. So why not fishing??? I have learned lots in the last year. I researched the buying of our boat in every way possible. I knew how to work the sounder before it was even installed by practising on the wonderful demo program provided by Lowrance online. I watched a Berkley DVD the other night on fishing with soft plastics which included tackle, knots, jigheads, casting techniques etc for 2 hours with the swordfisherman, stillrockin and another fisho . This was in preparation for my inaugural trip to Glenbawn for a week. My skills are in their infancy but I can assure you I will one day outfish many men. I am a fast learner. At Glenbawn, I intend to learn the intricacies of bass fishing, mentored by one of the best fishos around (swordfisherman). There will be a group of males and me on this trip and I am sure I will fit in. The problems of toileting, swearing, drinking and talking bs are not a problem to me . I am a seasoned world traveller and have defaecated and urinated in places that most men would baulk at. As a highly regarded healthcare professional I have seen more male appendages than I care to remember, geez I can even give your prized tackle a rating out of 10 if you like lol, and I bet there are some guys that would be low down on the scale of things. But back to the real question here. Why is this sport male dominated? I have come to the conclusion after reading the posts that most fishos have driven the wife/gf away with their misguided attitudes. Its no wonder that many on here are either single or divorced, left alone with "rod in hand" to dream about the next big catch . I feel that I have lots learn and look forward to many years of fishing with swordfisherman and any other fisho that has no problem with my gender. So come on guys give your women a fair go, you may find that not only do they provide a feast for you to eat while you fish, they can be fun. I am champing at the bit now to continue this interesting debate with any man on here! P.S. I have duly noted the names of the "womanbashers". When you next come to ER with a fish hook where it shouldnt be I will make sure you wait at the end of the queue............
  19. OK fellas, here is the REAL story about the naked person on the pontoon It went like this............... while swordfisherman was "flogging the water" I spied the naked person on the pontoon. The person was laying on their back at that stage, luckily the sunglasses on my face hid where my eyes were looking and wow did I see some heavy duty tackle, medium to big game . Yes, the naked person was a man woohoooo . I don't know about soft plastics but it looked like a hardbodied lure to me All in fun here, and thanks for the comments all Cheers
  20. On Thursday Swordfisherman dragged me out of bed at an ungodly hour in pursuit of the jewfish . We hurried off to the Georges River for a quick blastoff to the bay. Hours passed and I watched swordfisherman flogging the water to foam (better than what he usually flogs :wank: lol). He caught a small jew and we met another guy in his Poly doing the same thing. He also got a jew and a few flathead, trevally and a nice bream for the table. We decided to go for a spin up the river as I was getting restless . We got to a spot where Ronald McDonald was over the Moons (cryptic clue for those that know the area). I was deciding whether to soak up some rays and get sozzled or keep trying to catch a fish. I grabbed my rod and flung the lure purposefully into the water, swordfisherman telling me what to do the whole time (gawd I hate that lol). Suddenly I felt a STRIKE wooohoooo, " I'm on, get the net $%^& and don't knock it off the line". Damn we didn't need the net, I poled it over the side like a pro tuna fisherman and when I saw what I had caught I just started laughing. Ok, yes it was a fish but a bloody small one and swordfisherman dutifully took a pic for posterity as it was my very first fish ever. The floodgates have opened perhaps........... Cheers all P.S. I was looking at swordfisherman as he took the pic and he was grinning, after looking at the pic I know why
  21. Well thanks guys for the posts regarding secret spots. It seems that many share my view! Another question for you - are there any other females that are active members in the forum? Cheers
  22. Well I have to post here now fellas! I am new to the pursuit of angling AND female. I have been reading and following the posts in this forum for a long time now. I also fish with my man swordfisherman who is my teacher and an angler extraordinaire. I can't figure out why the members of this forum do not share the locations of their catches?? Perhaps someone can explain to me what this forum is for. I read with interest on the various species of fish being caught and laugh at the stories of the conquests. I am enjoying it all and yesterday I caught my first 2 fish ever. This was an exciting moment but the pics I cant post because I am scared that I may give away the "secret location". The thing that strikes me is that even if I knew a location there is much possiblity that I would not catch anything at all. I have fished with swordfisherman in groups with friends in boats and have witnessed time and time again that he will catch fish and others will not. Perhaps I am wrong but technique plays a huge part in this sport and yes. location is a help. To you Shane, if I post a pic showing detail of location am I risking my membership of the forum for destroying its goodwill? The location of a catch is like a man's mistress, used frequently but not spoken about, hidden from all except their best mate lol. For those of you that can guess the location from the following cryptic clue : Ronald Mc Donald was over the moon, the secret location of my catch will be revealed!!!!
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