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Everything posted by jahajo

  1. Howdy raiders Decided to go for a quick plastics sesion this morning. I decided to got to Hawthorne canal, it usually produces fish for me. Fished from 9.15-10.00 for two flatties on plastics. These two flatties were the first two fish i have caught on plastics First fish Second fish The plastic that did the damage was a squidgy bloodworm wriggler in 80mm Cheers
  2. hi shame about the first kingy Well done on the second
  3. jahajo

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  4. nice bag of bream there i love the 2nd pic
  5. hi With all the reports about sharks in the harbour. I was wondering if its worth a shot for bull sharks under the iron cove bridge. Is there any other spots around iron cove for sharks. What rigs and tackle do you need for the sharks. Also what is the best bait for them. Appreciate your help. cheers
  6. good report slinky The photos are really good especially the first one
  7. ....Make em out of scubbis.... What are these things you are talking about A.dawg Thanks roberta ill send you a pm with my email. Cheers harry
  8. What did you use to shape your thong thing. dremel,knife
  9. nice bass boys good work scenery is awesome cheers
  10. hi all I was just reading the article in Modern Fishing about making your own poppers. Seeing as the weather for the weekend is rainy i was thinking i should make some lures. Has any tried to make a homemade lure before, if so could you please post up a picture or something that can tell people how to make it. I had a go this afternoon with a kickboard as shown in the mag but that was a major failure!! lol. P.S Roberta nice tailor at tuross that would have fought good on bream gear!!. Cheers Hazza
  11. nice session mate and a nice green bonito lol
  12. Far out!! they are some very very nice kingies there keep up the good work mate
  13. Adventure bound is on tvs channel 31 at 8:00 on thursday
  14. Sounds like a great bream outfit. Should give you many years of use
  15. poor koalas look at the expressions on there faces
  16. What area were you fishing, near the bridge or near rodd pt? Also very nice Whiting
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