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Everything posted by jahajo

  1. What a top report nic nat Goodwork RH on getting all those fish Cheers hazza
  2. Very nice croc zenman keep up the good work
  3. Good work BTK on the monster croc
  4. jahajo

    Ic 24/4

    Decided to go for a quick sesion in Iron cove. I thought the mullet might still be there so i rigged up with a float and bread. First cast i got a massive down but i pulled the hooks. About 10 cast later it went down and i striked hard, the drag was screaming so i tightened it up abit and wrestled this fish to the bank. to my surprise it was a fat bream. It measured 29cm So i realesed him and threw the float back out Next cast im on zzzzzzz i tightened the drag up so he didnt snag me and after another short tussle i lift him up the bank. Another bream this model meisured 27cm So i decided to rebait again and i got another bream this one was about 7 cm long.i quickly released him. I left the fish biting and went because the rain was coming. Cheers hazza
  5. Bad luck with the fishing josh Were you anchored off one of the white buoys in clifton gardens. If so i think i might have seen you. I was walking on bradleys head walking track Cheers hazza
  6. Very very sad news indeed My favourite episode was when the were at a northcoast island and they were jigging for sampsons and monster kings. Neil Tedesco was the best fishing presenter. Cheers hazza
  7. Nice work stewy on the pb flattie Would have been a nice day out there also Cheers hazza
  8. There were mullet in hawthorne canal about two weeks ago They were huge i mean some of them would of been over a kg They were feeding on some tiny things in the water. They would open there mouths and scoop up the water in there mouths while they were on the surface. They left about 1 week ago when the freshwater came in. Cheers hazza
  9. Beautiful jewfish from the parramatta river mate Keep up the good work Hazza
  10. Great work mate Well done on the magnificent catch Cheers hazza
  11. Nice report mate Wow what a bag of fish Cant wait to see the pictures Cheers hazza
  12. Nice mixed bag of fish there What lure did the damage? Cheers hazza
  13. Those squid shore have a good shot Nice kingie but well done Keep up the goodwork Cheers hazza
  14. Nice kingie on your first day out in the bay Those kingie fillets look mouthwatering Cheers Hazza
  15. I will be heading to currarong soon for a holiday and am wondering whether there are an good spots to fish. I will be landbased or in a kayak. The little inlet looks ok for fishing but any suggestions are welcome. I mainly fish hardbodies and plastics. Cheers hazza
  16. nice work guys on that big kingy WOW what a leather jacket
  17. What a croc good work mate
  18. Yeah was definately very quiet out side Was that you in a haines 445f with a 60 etec. I was in a 540 freedom sport with a 115 johnno. Cheers hazza
  19. Wow what a fish dogtooth well done Cheers hazza
  20. Decided to go for a fish in the harbour today. Launched at rosebay at around 11am and conditions were perfect. Only a slight amount of wind and a little bit of swell. Our plan was to look for some surface action then go to the flattie grounds and try to pick up a feed. There didnt seem to be any birds working anywhere in the harbour so we decided to go to the flattie grounds. The water was quite dirty where we were but we deided to fish there anywway. We started our berley trail and got our lines in the water. Fished there for 1 hour for one flounder. So we thought we should get some lures in the water and go for a troll. We trolled to bondi and back for zilch. No birds were there and there were also no baitfish. By then the wind had come up so we just drove back to rose bay. When we were trolling there were these creamy coloured objects about 1 metre under the surface. They looked like giant jelly fish except they didnt have any tentacles. Anybody have any ideas on what they could be. Cheers hazza
  21. Thanks josh will hopefully have a report with a nice hoodlum tommorow
  22. Yeah am also hoping that there is some frigates,salmon or tailor on the surface tommorow in the harbour or middle harbour. Any body got any ideas on what lures are working and whether its better to troll or spin with plastics and metals. Cheers hazza
  23. Nice marlins there and congrats on the first for youre dads boat!! Also what a magnificent gamefishing rig you have!!! Cheers hazza
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