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Aqua Naut

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Posts posted by Aqua Naut

  1. Out again with big Kev and a late 10am start we head out to the bait grounds chasing yellowtail for some live bait. We managed about 10 in 30 mins. For some reason they were pickie and didn't want to play but managed enough for a run outside. The Bay was boiling with surface fish which looked like Tailor and Bonito but them too were pickie in taking lures. We hooked up a few times but couldn't land a fish. We then decided to head out up the North side of Maroubra and found some good reef and activity. Anchored up for about 2 hours and we sent down the livies. Within 5 mins we have a run and looked like a good KingFish. :thumbup: I don't believe it it was a keeper going 67cm. Kevs rod goes off as well :biggrin2: and he too lands a keeper same size. All up in 2 hours we managed 10 fish 6 throw backs at 60cm and 4 keepers. All taking Live baits squid baits and even managed to hook one on a Halco 60gr. The NE wind started to lift the swell alittle but it was time to go and pickup the kids from school. Not bad for quick 4 hour :1fishing1: Tight Lines!!! :thumbup:

  2. Well another day off mid week and some good weather means I'm going Fishing and big Kev joins me on a 2hour drive South to Jervis Bay. It was an early start and boat was in the water by 6am and we headed straight out to the bait grounds in search for some livies and it was not hard locating them. Within 45 mins we had the tank full of Yakkas and headed for some GPS marks which a mate had given me and it was on. The sounder was alive with activity and we sent out the livies. A good time to christen the new Shimano Triton and Tekota 800 with some live bait rigs. Within 2 mins mid water they got nailed :yahoo: . It was non stop action for at least 3 hours. The reels buzzing was just the sound we heard for most of the morning. Kingfish were everywhere in numbers but as usal still couldn't get a legal. Smallest fish going 59cm and the biggest was 63cm. We boated at least 20 fish but they live to fight another day. We tried trolling Livies out the back and what an awesome sight it is seeing a dozen Kings Torpedo in on the poor Yakka from behind. They where mauling it. Anything would get a fish. Squid baits and pilchard baits all worked as well. Just could not get a livie to the bottom for the big fish because they just get nailed by the small ones :thumbup: We kept moving around around lunchtime in search of some new ground and we find some more good reef and we achor up. Slimey mackrel were just everywhere breaking the surface water and we find Bonito and Salmon busting them up. We also caught a few slimmeys with little 10 to 15 gram gillies hoping for a few kings beneath the action. We managed to hook up Bonitos 45 to 50 cm and 1 was a pearler going 65cm taking a live slimmey. Also caught a few Kingfish but not for the dinner plate. Back into the drink they go. Also in the mix were a few Snapper which we released as they just under size except for 1 which cleared the line.

    It was mayhem and at one stage all three rods go off :1yikes: at the same time with Salmon taking the baits. All 3 fish landed and going 3 to 4kg's. It was getting on in time and we had another 2 hours travel back home so we called it a day. It was just an unbelivable days fishing with some Quality fish. Photos posted shortly. Tight Lines!!! :1fishing1:

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  3. Well headed out for another go at trying to nail some legal Kings with Kev and went out nice and early straight for the bait grounds. We managed a tank full of livies in 30 mins as they were everywhere. Headed towards Mol/point and let them loose. The swells were rolling in from outside so the East side of the wall made it tough. We manage to hook 4 rat Kings :thumbup: going between 60 and 63cm's :ranting2: which does not surprize me one bit. All throw backs. Did a few live baits with the down rigger but no hook ups. Then tried the drums and we managed 2 Flathead going 52cm and a Salmon 2kgs. No sign of Bonito on the surface so on the surface front preety quiet. The winds were picking up and the bay as always turns into a washing machine so we decided to call it a day. All in all not a bad days fishing. Tight lines!!! :1fishing1:

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  4. yes, plenty of surface action, but was not able to get any to take the metal lures we were tossing out to them.

    It was great conitions early yesterday on the Bay, but only managed to get pinkies to bite (so all throw backs), and then the wind blew in, which made it very uncomfortable (3.7 m tinnie with low transom), so had to call it a day with zero.

    Try using nothing bigger than 20 grams. Lasers chrome working the best. They are feeding on small white bait so you have to get the size to match.

  5. Well headed out with Big Kev for a swim with the kids and the NE wind was just ripping through at 25 notts making fishing alittle uncomfortable. So it was swimming til 7pm and by this time the wind had dropped off alittle to 15 notts so we headed out to the middle of the bay in search for some fun with Bonito. We were not disapointed yet again :yahoo: . We bagged 16 Bonito all going 40 to 50cm all caught on lures. There were plagues of them everywhere. It seems like the Bay is infested with them at the moment. Late afternoon is the go for these guys. The Kings have been quiet so hopefully they kick in soon also. All in all the kids had an absolute ball swimming and fishing and catching fish. :thumbup::1fishing1: Happy new year and plenty of fish!!!

  6. Well just couldn't help myself gave big Kev a call and we headed out for a quick afternoon flick out in the Bay and outside. The winds had eased dramatically from the mornings 35 nott gales. Big wind shift from the W to the NE made conditions outside just perfect for trolling. The waters were lumpy and within the first pass trolling deep divers our rods were screaming. This just went on ever pass. The sounder was alive with surface and mid water activity :1yikes: . We preety much knew we were over a big school of Bonitos :thumbup: . It was on an hour of trolling and with 15 Bonito to 50cm already in the bucket we decided to head inside and bait up for Kings and who knows maybe even a jewie. We anchored up near the drums but was little quiet there so headed over to the point by this time the wind had gone. Baited up with Bonito fillets and Tailor but after an hour it was all quiet there too. As the sun strated to set the water started bubbling right in the middle of the bay huge schools of Tailor chompping the surface on baitfish. So up came the rods and we headed for the school casting out some slices and instant hookups. Tailor and the odd Bonito. Kept a few keepers Tailor going 32cm and quiet a few undersized choppers in there as well. The sun had gone down so we dicided to head for the 3rd runway and try a jewie bait with a nice fillet of Tailor down on the bottom and a few other rods out for Bream. Kev managed a 28cm Bream which we released and a few slight hits on the Tailor bait but no hook ups. It was 9.30pm and the lunar eclipse was a sight. We decided to call it a night. All in all a fantastic evening fishing with plenty of activity outside. :1fishing1:

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  7. Well we had a great day Tuesday and I just couldn't resist saying NO when Big Kev rings and says he's going out Wednesday. The day was just surperb with no wind and 0.5 mtr swell it was looking good. So off to the ramp and off we go to chase up some surface action and it didn't disapoint. The middle of the Bay was alive with schools of Kings and Bonito chomping everywhere. Was not hard to hook up. The Kings where all Rats like yesterday but great fun on light tackle. They all were between 55 to 62cm :ranting2: Still no feed on Kings all undersize. Managed a few bonitos once again. It was just getting to easy so we decided to head out hopefully finding some bigger fish. Trolled the edges around Maroubra and Coogee around the islands and the birds were going nuts again. :thumbup: Few more Bonitos and incredible the Kings just beneath them chasing them to the boat. :biggrin2: We then anchored off Coogee and did some bottom bashing on the drift. We managed to hook up a Snapper to 38cm and 32cm and more Bonito to 58cm. These guys were just everywhere. Coming on 2pm It was then time to head home and call it a day. With the water temp back up around 21oC the fishing is only going to Fire up more. Just hope the Legal Kings show up soon. Tight Lines!!! :1fishing1:

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  8. Well Well Well taking out for his first time fishing from a boat good old Frankie was not dissapointed :thumbup: We started at Mol point at around 10am for some livies and in know time we had the bait tank full so we headed out. We had a livie out on the downrigger and did a few passes but we never managed a hook up so the only option was outside. Headed North and conditions were just perfect with a SE wind of 10 notts and a slight 0.5 to 1 mtr of E swell. We spotted alot of bird action just off long bay about half a km out and in know time we had Bonito and Kings chasing our lures :yahoo: The bonitos were all of good size so they made good bait for later. I've never seen so many Kings in the one area working the baitfish on the surface. They were all hungry taking slices floated Bonito fillets and Squid. We had a ball on light gear. We manage to catch take a quick snap and release about 12 Kings all just under size at 62cm. We decided to head in closer in and anchor up so we can send down some live baits hopefully for the bigger ones. Good too see Scotty Lyons out with his crew around the same area as well. Within 60 seconds of it going down we were on again another Kingfish taking a live yakka. Did this on 6 occasions and 6 hook ups of the same around 62cm :ranting2: No big 1's dame! Anyway within 2 hours we had an absolute ball catching these things on light Shimano gear and Frankie is already booking me for his next trip. All in all no kings to take for a feed but they will be there next week and hopefully bigger. A great Rabbitoh moment for Frankster Tight lines!!! :1fishing1:

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  9. Well it was on for young and old and with 1 day to go to make it count Team Whitewash was out at the crack of dawn to see if we can steel the trophy which is looking like going to Team Pascoe with 23kg's being the top of the leaderboard. Not far behind us were all 4 other boats so it was game on. With no playing around Terry was headed to the 100mtr line and hopefully burley up another Shark. Out 22 km's and water temp a beaut 18.2oC and not even a swell it was just heaven outside. With Team Viking Team Pascoe and Team Tournament all within 500 mtrs of each other from us steeling our Burley trail :thumbup: it seemed like they were out to take an advantage. Hardly any drift we bottom bounce for a few hours bringing up the same Reef fish as the days before. Some nice Tiger Flathead to 45cm Nannygai to 30cm a few Barracoota and Spurdogs as well. On 4hrs of drifting the 100mtr line Terry decides to pull up lines and maybe head into 60mtrs. As we were about to start up and head off Team Viking yells out over the radio I think we have a shark sighting. So it looks like the action may start. We decide to burley like there was no tomorrow it looked like someone had thrown up for the last 3 days not stop. Outcomes the brinocs and it sure was a shark about 200 mtrs from our boat and heading straight for us :yahoo: That was it up come all the rods out of the way rope ready harness on and Terry was ready to rig a Bonito on the Shimano game rod and it was a waiting game. After a few seconds the fin disappears and out of know where :1yikes: A freekin big Mako is about to smash the burley bag. The bag is up in the boat and he is very interested now circling the boat and disappearing several times it was scarey. Kev and I were wondering how in the heck are we going to get this beast in the boat without losing a lim or 2. Terry sends out the bait and within 2 to 3 mins of looking at the bait the shark decides to attack :thumbup: It a hook up and were on......It was time to start up and get ready to chase. Video rolling the mako decides to leap bout 10 foot in the air twice trying to throw the hook but he wasn't coming off. Awesome sight seeing what a Mako realy does when it's not happy. At this stage he was taking some line and going down deep unde rthe boat so we try to move forward incase he decides to leap in the boat. This went on for about 30 mins and moving around around half a km we tired him out and the gaffs all 3 of them are ready :thumbup: Gaff 1 straight under the throat and he was going nuts all 3 gaffs are in and half his body in the boat we rope his tail the shark turns and a few teeth marks leave a print on the side of the boat :mad3: At this stage 1 gaff decides to snap right off and head to the bottom at 100 mtrs we have 2 left just. It was an amazing struggle and we were out of breath by the time we landed it. The tape going straight around his mouth incase he snaps. We did it and it was time to party. With just looking at it in the boat we knew we had the winner and estimating at least 60kgs +...........We headed to the others and started dancing. :tease: That was it we knew we were going to have a few hours back at the ramp weighing and cleaning so we called it in and headed home. It was an amazing day and memories we all will remember for a long time. The last supper was going to be a meal of Mako for all the boyz before we headed home. Thanks to Portland Bait and Tackle for there time to come down and offical weigh in of the shark was 65.6kg's a PB for Terry who took out the 2010 SFA Trophy for Team Whitewash and amazingly the last day seems to bring the best and the prize winner yet again. Thanks to Shimano for there great gear. Can't wait for 2011. Tight Lines :1fishing1:

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  10. Hi Raiders well couldn't resist a great afternoon so I rang big Kev and said lets go for a fish. Left the ramp at 1800 Wind was moderate NE to 15 notts and alittle choppy but seemed to ease as time went on. Got out to the middle of the Bay and it was on the birds were going nuts everywhere :thumbup: So out come the Lures and within seconds we were getting smashed :yahoo: on great sized Bonitos to 50cm and heaps of just under sized Tailor and an odd keeper as well. Kept moving around and cleaned up everytime. Releasing the Tailor but keeping the Bonito for bait for the next trip out. We were there for about 45 mins until laughs come to pain. Kev hooks onto a solid Bonito until it spat the hooks right near the boat and within one action the lure flings back and the treble hooks lodge into Kevs right hand. :074: The fun was all over as we packed up and called it a quick hour and straight to the local Hospital to have the hooks removed from his hand :wacko: We ended up with a great catch after all and left them still going nuts as we headed back. The water temp was incredible 24.8oC and no wonder the bay is going skitso. All in all a very interesting arvo fishing. Hope Kevs hand recovers after all that. :biggrin2: Tight lines :1fishing1:

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  11. Well after a tired first day and everyone having a good sleep we were all up again at the crack of dawn with some great weather on the cards again. Slight Northerly Breeze and the swells tappered off to just half meter it was looking good. My team Whitewash were out first with Team Pascoe and Viking on our tails and all headed in different areas. Team Bonza and Team Tournament were heading around Northshore. We headed around the 15km mark on 60 mtrs and started our drifts. Today we needed something special to top the leaderboard leader Jamie (Team Pascoe) with his 23kg Thresher so we started to aim for some serious fish. Burleyed heavy on the drift leaving a great trail behind us. We were drifting for know longer than 5 mins when we saw what looked like a 80cm+ Barracoota leap out of the water getting chased by something close by. No longer than 5 mins later we spot a little Mako Shark :1yikes: heading straight into the burley trail. That was it all rods were up and the game rod ready to roll. :biggrin2: 1 Salmon rigged up to a 11/0 stainless steel hook and off it goes. Within seconds :yahoo: hookup and were on and in no time we landed a beaut 10.1kg Mako Shark :yahoo: Back to reef fishing Terrys on again and this one was of the bottom and he called it perfectly a very good sized Gummy Shark and he was spot on. A 15 to 20 min fight we land a beaut PB 21.4kg Gummy Shark :yahoo:

    Incredible Jamie still leads by a few kilos :074: Awesome 2 sharks and by the 2pm we have a mixed bag of Tiger Flathead Morwong Snapper Barracoota. Spurdogs which we were hooking lots of, a pain in the backside were all released. So it was time to head home as we knew we had a job on our hands cleaning fish so we called it a day. All the other Teams did well with Whiting Flathead Small Snapper to 35cm

    Terraki and Coota. Team Bonza had a brief in counter with a Thresher but no hook up :05: . All up another awesome days Fishing. Tight Lines for the final Day 3. :1fishing1:

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  12. Hi there Raiders well it was back for another Family Fishing comp 2010 down in beautiful Portland. 15 family members getting together which was looking like to be the best year ever and it did not disappoint :biggrin2: Comp was underway 2/12/10 and with 4 boats and 1 more to come we were underway. Swells were pumping up some good 1.5 mtr sets but looked like settling down as the days progressed.My team (Team Whitewash) headed out straight to to few secret marks Terry has marked from previous trips and started the drifts. Team Pascoe and Team Viking were looking to be going there own way in similiar positions heading towards the islands and Team Bonza decided to stick in close on the shallow reefs. Team Whitewash were ready to crack into it and wasn't long till we found some fish. Terrys secret burley was definatly working :unsure: and we caught about a dozen fish Snapper to 38cm, Terraki (morwong) to 40cm, Tiger Flathead to 45cm and Nannygai to 30cm and Gummy Shark to 80cm. Barracoota became a menious and seemed to be in plagues at one stage clipping lines. We moved on to the 40 mtr mark for a look but some strong currents down under was making it hard to get bottom so we called it a day. Team Pascoe seemed to be on top of the Leader Board after day 1 with a cracking 23kg Thresher Shark taken in close :1yikes: . Team Viking had a preety much same day as us with some Quality Reef fish as well and a few gummy Sharks and a cracker 2.1kg Leather Jacket. Team Bonza come up trumps with Whiting to 40cm and Snapper to 38cm. All in all a perfect start to what was going to be a record breaking weekend. Everyone weighed in and it was Jamie topping the scales for Team Pascoe at 23kg's with a beaut Thresher Shark :thumbup: Tight Lines for Day 2 :fishing1:

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  13. Definately the water temp mate. The Kings are preety thick at the moment but all under sized rats. The water temp has been playing tricks the last 2 weeks going from 20oC to 16oC in some areas which will drive the bigger fish outside. Hopefully this means a late bumper season coming up just hope the rain stays away. Tight Lines :1fishing1:

  14. Hey Raiders expect a few reports and photos coming your way in a few days :thumbup: . Off on the Annual Cousins Reunion Fishing Comp 2010 :yahoo: 5 days of not stop fishing. :thumbup: We'll be targeting some Big Snapper Kingfish and Sharks.

    Lets hope for some tight lines!!! :1fishing1:

  15. Secret is not to fish the weekends. Too much boat activity spook the fish. However at the moment it's a little tricky finding the fish. I had Kings all around me on Wednesday all Rats but none of them would take a lure or plastic. They went balistic on cubed bonito so they only took bait. Anyway hope you have some luck next time. Tight Lines :1fishing1:

  16. Yep forget the fish mate you look like you had your hands full with the women. As for the fish yep if you want Bonnies they are in plagues everywhere from Botany bay to the harbour just outside. As for the Kings I haven't come across any big ones yet. They are all rats below 60cm. Hopefully next month might just see the big ones in. Good job!

  17. Well headed out Wedneday Morning to try some Harbor fishing with Big Kev as he too had the day off and couldn't ask for a better morning. Winds had eased from last night but expected to pick up again by midday. On the water at 5am and headed out to the bait grounds for some bait but found it hard to locate the bait so we headed for the heads to try some trolling and as soon as we got to the mouth There wer plagues of Birds roaming the surface of the water and huge schools of Bonito chomping the surface :yahoo: . It was an awesome sight. There were at least 5 different schools working the surface around us so it was time to cast out some lures. Within 30 minutes we had bagged 8 Bonitos to 50cm :thumbup: . As they school were around us but what ever was under the boat had scared the living daylights of the fish and they just vanished in a second. I've never seen several bonito leap out of the water like and that was that. They were all gone and never seen them again. Maybe a Shark, Marlin not sure but it was big. Anyway by 9am the wind had picked up around the 15 notts from the NE and the swell was a good 2 to 3 mtrs so we decided to head in and do some bait fishing for Kings. Anchored up at Quarantine and burleyed heavy. After a good 30 minutes of burley it was on the kings decided to show up and they were all around us but playing cheaky. Throwing plastics and lures at them but they didn't want to play. Decided to fillet Bonito and within 10 seconds we were on. A little Rat Kingfish 59cm. A quick photo and he was away back to the bottom. :thumbup: Great fun on light gear. Big Kev was then hooked onto a good size Salmon which we had close to the boat and then he spits the hook :ranting2: It was 1pm and the Harbour was a mess with the wind gusting to 30 notts we called it a day. It was rocky ride back to the ramp. All in all a great mornings fishing in one of the best Harbors in the world. Tight Lines!! :1fishing1:

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  18. Headed out for a quick afternoon flick just outside the North end of Botany Bay headland. Trolled up and down several times and cleaned up on Bonitos to 50cm :thumbup: . Landed 10 in just under 30 minutes and lost 2 massive 4kg+ sambos which I thought were kings until they marlin jumped out of the water. Lost both lures as well not happy :ranting2: All took surface poppers. Absolutely bubbling with surface action :yahoo: Caught several Bonnies after that which went back to the drink to fattern up for the Marlins lurking close in. All in all a great 2 hours of fun!! Tight Lines :1fishing1:

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  19. Headed out on a splended day with a slight NE wind and 1mtr NE Swell. Water temp outside warming to 20.5 degrees and looking good for some surface action. Headed for Wedding Cake island off coogee and trolled around maroubra. Got stuck into some good Bonitos hitting surface poppers. Bagged 3 to 50cm. Did some bottom bashing using squid and bonito as baits. Caught several crap reef species such as Sergent bakers and rock cods and did pick up a small blue groper which were all realeased. Had plastics out and also used jigs but with no Kingie action. Some good returns on the sounder but a big fat zero in returning a good catch. At this time the NE kicked in which made fishing hard as the seas became very sloppy. Called it a day and headed home. All in all a great day and finally the rain stayed away. Tight Lines.

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