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Everything posted by leatherjacket

  1. All good advice I'll give it a gowith burley and a float Thanks, Andrew
  2. Hi guys, I havn't been able to catch squid over the last two weeks. So I went to my local wharf and decided to catch some livies and use them. As soon as I put a bait in the water the Sweap would swarm it and the yakkas were just too slow! Very frustrating! Does anyone have a technique to catch yakkas in these conditions, that is without using a casting net? Cheers, Andrew
  3. Hi mate, Nice fish! How are you going to eat it? That a lot of sushi or a few solid eye fillets! Etherway - fantastic. They say every kingfish caught off a wharf is worth five caught off a boat - it's just so much harder and you did very well not to be pyloned. You must of had light gear to let it run for 15mins. I alway use heavy gear and brute force to get those sneaky buggers out of the water asap. The harbour is full with fish ATM and I'm sure you'll land another specimen shortly. I can't wait to hear your next kingfish post! Cheers, Andrew
  4. 12:15am is a very keen time to get out on the water to collect bait! Good on ya! At least you don't have to get up early for the next seasion. Andrew
  5. Hi guys, I've been catching squid over the last week and finally went out this morning... I set up to trowl with double snelled rig of 6/0 circle hooks on 80lb leader First stop, Cliffton Gardens - nothing Then, The Wedding Cakes - nothing And, Pig and Sow - nothing Finally I went out to the Quarantine Station Buoy, which is a hike in my dingy, the first pass was a double hookup (50cm & 55cm) , second pass I got smoked and it frayed the leader as it did a bow knot around the buoy chain. Another pass picked up a 60cm model. Then another double hookup (55cm & 60cm) after that it went quiet so we moved on... Total = 5 kingies and one bust off. All in all great fun even if I didn't get to put anything on the table. I might put a few crab nets out tomorrow and see if I get lucky, anyone catching crabs at the moment? Blue Swimmer, that is... Sorry no pics, but I've ruined a few phones in the past by getting them wet. Cheers, Andrew
  6. Hi beginner, I know how you feel to lose a big one! I was at Longie on Saturday and caught a 50cm rat on my light rod, but was reefed on my heavy rod - I got the fish half way up until it got its head down and that was the end of it. I was fishing with a 8 - 12kg rod, 850 American Penn with 50lb braid and 60lb mono leader. And I still couldn't stop the beast with out locking it up! Also the leader was all frayed up, where as a shark would have bitten it off clean so I call it for a 90+ Kingie, but I'll never know. I was pissed off but also pumped up and I'll be out next weekend for another go... Cheers, Andrew
  7. Mate, your a legend! Many thanks for the great detail and effort! Cheers, Andrew Thanks heaps! I'll post if I catch anything. Cheers, Andrew
  8. Hi All, A mate and I going out to long reef tomorrow for the first time and we intend to fish the wall and some wrecks out wide if we can find them? I heard the Coolooi is a good dive and I would assume it's also a good fishing spot? Does anyone recommend any other wrecks and I would be grateful for any scraps of information especially GPS! I've heard that jigging is a good way to catch kingies in the deeper water and we might trowl squid around the headland and near the wall. Also I've been told that it is very dangerous and we are in a fibreglass boat, so any safety advice is also greatly appreciated. Cheer, Andrew
  9. Nice looking Calamari there! Don't throw that one back! I was squiding last night and caught a few myself... I figure the best way is to squid with someone else and whoever catches the first squid should bring it in close to attact followers then the other guy throws in his jig after the first squid to have a chance to hook onto the rest of the family... It is important not to pull the caught squid out of the water until the second squid is on and then repeat the process until the family is no more. We caught 7 in 1 minite by team taging like this! Cheers, Leather
  10. Hi mate, That is why I love fishing - your out on the water and nature just comes along... Some of my best fishing trips I've not caught anything but seen dolphins, whales and sea lions. Cheers, Andrew
  11. Sword fish guy & gal, It's a good thing that your doing and I enjoy reading the comments from other avid fishermen and women! Cheers, AC
  12. catching squid on soft plastics? Looks like a jew or big taylor bite... Where did you catch them? Cheers, Andrew
  13. Mate, I saw them checking the wooden pylons last summer and I assume they needed to be fix it before it collapes. Some areas at the front of the bath have been cordoned off previousely and the railing is falling apart. Also I imagine the pressure from the concreate slabs is a contributing factor... In winter they (mosman council) fixed the Balmoral Wharf and I supose its Cliffton's turn. Bad time of the year for fishermen, but. I heard a rumor that the Council was going to ban fishing off the Balmoral Wharf due to the condition people leave it in and the smell of rotten bait over summer? Does anyone nkow if this is true? Cheers, Andrew
  14. rocks: Blue Fish Point (North Head) and The Ovens (South Whale Beach)
  15. If I could catch two Jewies like that in two hours I'd be stocked! Good effort!
  16. Nice one! Always great to see guys catching great fish off the stones!!!! Fishing off the rocks is also good for drinking and socializng and don't get DIY on the water. I normally don't start until after daylight - 5am. In my opinion every fish off the stones is worth three from a boat. Good on ya mate! Andrew
  17. Great to see you putting a fresh catch to good use! Need to get me one of those smokers! Cheers, Andrew
  18. Pugwash, I'm happy for you, but even more happy to hear reports of kingfish in the harbour (heads)!! It looks like it could be a early kingfish season with all this hot weather. C u out there next weekend! Leatherjacket
  19. Awsome eating fisH!!!! Well done! Need a deck hand? AC
  20. Nice one mate - good to see kingies this time of the year...
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