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Posts posted by SimJ

  1. Went to the beaches this avo to see if I could find any cabbage. It was hard cos I had no idea what i was looking for :1prop: but I found this stuff


    Is this what Im looking for? or did I just waste time :074:



  2. Quick session at greenwich last night, tide was on the way out when we got there. More tailor than i had ever seen before there, they were a little bit bigger than usual too (still choppers but 27cm average).

    Unfortunately there was no bream around at all, not even the small unkeepables. Tried changing sides and even sent a whole pilchard out unweighted. Suddenly zzzzzzz zzzzzzzz not very big runs but pretty strong turns out to be a nice bream (37cm) and it took the whole pilchard.


    Started to rain after that so we went home. Also caught this catfish that was really different to the normal ones Ive caught. It didnt even have spines just hard fins? Any ideas anyone?




  3. Good post mate and well done on the Trevally.

    Sorry I couldnt make it, work was shite!

    was the bloke with the expensive prawns a dark south african fellow? If so I met him when i went down there the other day and he said he was going to be there on Saturday. He reckons he pays 60$ per kilo for the prawns btw (ends up like 2$ something a prawn)!

    no blackies around?

    Next time im just gonna ditch work :1prop: ,


  4. Sorry guys im sure theyve come up before but im cr@p at searching (slow net).

    I know this is a Wrasse but which type? (caught hawkesbury)


    caught in harbour (can I put in my saltwater tank?)


    Is this a tarwhine? (caught hawkesbury)


    This I just thought was funny, just born! :1prop:


    Cheers everyone,


  5. No worries Cameron :thumbup: hope to see u down there, come say hi when u get there.

    Andrewau, I was there at 3.00pm yesterday. It seemed unweighted pilchard and squid worked best but only big breams were caught no kingies.

    Some guy was there for about 2 hours and caught 8 blackfish all over 35cm and gave them all away. So i am DEIFINITELY bringing a quill float and some weed on Saturday.



  6. When are you guys going there? I sometimes fish Blues Point on weekends but if you guys are planning to fish the Pier, I wouldnt mind joining.

    Gday tevoro, of course anyone is welcome to join us :thumbup:

    We are probably going to be heading out this weekend. PM me or James ur number and we will msg u the details.

    Hope to see u there,


  7. I'm fairly certain you can fish off Pier 2 at Dawes Point legally. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

    It's been recommended to me by a number of tackle shops as a good landbased spot for kings, if you can land them (it's quite high off the water).

    Here's a YouTube vid of some bloke having a go at the kings:


    Google Maps link: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source...mp;t=h&z=16

    And here's a screenshot of Google Maps with the end of Pier 2 circled:


    If you want to give it a crack one time, I'll be up for a session - been meaning to for a while. :1fishing1:

    Oh and regarding bait, I'm not sure. I'd berley hard and try for yakkas while there but take along some fresh dead bait too for backup.

    Thanks Jamesds thats the exact spot I meant :thumbup:

    Also my reliable fishing mate has just gone overseas, so Ive been going out on my own lately :thumbdown:

    which I realised means less fish and conversation! So PM me if your free sometime this week and ill happily hit up the harbour. (can bring tackle, drinks, smokes etc.)



  8. Would they not be referring to worms?

    I thought nippers would be classified as a crustacean.

    Im pretty sure all crustaceans are invertebrates (including nippers) as they have no spinal chord.



  9. A good way to find landbased spots is to use your street directory and check out beaches and Jetty/Wharfs, just remember a lot of the wharfs will have frequent ferrys.

    Once u get to the spots try asking the locals (nicely).

    Hope this helps,


  10. Really random question but i was wondering if any raiders out there watchs and like basketball and whos got there vote for MVP this year :1prop: Feel free to say ho if its not on the list


    Good selection :thumbup:

    Lebron is awesome but he needs a championship under his belt!



  11. Cheers Spizza what stretch of collaroy is it? and is there anywhere with light for night fishing round the area?

    Breamhunter pm me if u want mob number, always good to fish with members.



  12. Thinking of hitting up the Northern beaches tomorrow avo/night, can anyone help with any spots to catch Salmon (or larger pelagics etc.) land based?

    Any of the beaches is fine. Also how do u rig and send out livies when catching these fish? (Ive only ever sent livies down to the bottom with a medium size sinker)

    Thanks in advance guys,


  13. Ill probably try touching a small one first, not one as fat as that... :1prop:

    'Nice catch mate - just curious, what pool did you fish off in the hawkesbury? would that be the pool near the marina just around the corner from parsley bay ramp?


    Yeah mate I think thats the one, just past the second carpark near the Brooky marina. You hit it up b4? That was our first time.



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