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Posts posted by SimJ

  1. Hi Simmo If you like moustaches on freaks you should fish Flint and Steel reef, some of the critters up there come complete with beards and moustaches and if you get lucky you'll get them in an assortment of colours as well. :D


    jewgaffer :1fishing1:

    :Funny-Post::074: no thanks!

    It wasnt nearly as disgusting as the leatherjacket louse that we find buried deep inside the liver of a big leathery we caught! I didnt even want to get it with pliers :1yikes: !!

  2. Its probably a different species of herring. Arripis greenwichii?

    They're better off as live bait so next time you catch one, give it a piercing and let him out to swim in a deep hole.


    :Funny-Post: Royboy always the comedian!! :074:

    yeah will do definitely not worth munching.



  3. for some one thats just started fishing simmo you certanly giving it a good bash

    squid in milk crates and one ugly mother off a fish

    it's only a matter off time till you hook up to somthing big and hear the reel screem

    i would say a scorpion cod but the under side does'nt look right for a scorpion

    scorpion cod are one off the most painful stings you will get in the harbour and they have heaps off spines

    i compair it to a wasp sting but some people have a bad reaction and can pass out and be in real bother

    some people eat them and i've tryed steaming one for a dish called pore mans lobster

    it tasted like steamed fish and was crap and not worth the effort but i proberly stuffed it up

    if you do keep one kill it and break off all the spines with long nose plyers so you can handle

    cherrs gary

    Gary there was NO WAY any of that thing was going near my mouth!!! It tried to spike me so much and we just let him go.

    It had a moustache!!!

    Cheers by the way, I cant wait till I do finally have something huge!


  4. A mate caught this thing last night, he thought it was a big frog in the dark :074::074:

    Its pretty disgusting and it was grunting but someone said they are good eating???? what is it?


    Sorry bout the crappy mobile pic.



  5. Where did you catch it, if freshwater im shore its a freshwater herring, other wise its a silver biddy

    It was caught in the harbour down near Greenwich wharf.

    We went down there again last night and caught 2 more so they must be thick atm.

    (we tried a little bit as sashimi and it wasnt great :thumbdown: )

    Its definitely not a silver biddy because all 3 were over 20cm which is max biddy length.

    Thanks for ur replys btw guys, so are we agreed on Herring?



  6. Monodactylus argenteus. Check DPI's description here.

    Also known as silver batfish, silver moody, mono or diamondfish.


    Yeah definitely that one! A.dawg was right! If u guys are so good at identification help me with my aquarium post!!!

    :074: love ur avatar btw hilarious :074:



  7. That triangle fish is one off those mono things theres heaps in the water system atm but nothing decent in the georges... Give port hacking a go Wally's wharf bream, flathead, squid , yellowtail and mullet...

    I lost my rod and reel at captain cooks T.T my jewwies combo gone anyone seen it???


    Is the triangle fish the same as the one in this pic?


    Caught last night never seen one before?



  8. Could someone please put me out of my misery and tell me what type of fish this is?


    Only one largish fin on its back, had a greenish tinge running down its spine when we caught it and no teeth. Really shiny and slimy.



  9. Hey all

    Over the last few months I have done 2 "all nighter" fishing trips in Jervis Bay (really, from 12am onwards)...

    Each time I started going for squid at my usual squid spots (that *always* produce during the day), then headed out deeper (long nose point etc) to go for other fish.

    Both times I came up zero - nothing, nada, not even a nibble.

    So what's the prob? Do I need to use different jigs? Different spots? Or is Squidding at night just a waste of time?

    I should point out - both nights were very very dark. New Moon one night, and cloudy the other. My all round light on the boat isn't super bright (bright enough for its purpose).



    Mate the other night we caught 2, 30cm+ squid of a jetty using a whiting on ganghooks to lure them in and a milk crate to scoop them up.

    It worked really well as they would follow the whiting to the very surface.



  10. G'day Simmo. We'll have a chat about your suggestion.

    Another great way to find all new posts is to click on the "view new posts" button instead of scrolling from forum to forum.

    That way you are always up to date with everything that's posted on the site. :thumbup:



    Thanks Grant, I use that these days which is how i found this post :1prop:

    The only reason I suggested it is that I think i only found 1 response by a new member, out of like 8 pages...

    Anyway thanks for taking it onboard, appreciate the response.



  11. gdauy raiders,

    Just wondering if anyone knows anything about kingfish lures - is there such a thing?



    Gday Tan,

    Do you mean any kingfish lures at all?

    because I bought one the other day (havent used it yet), its designed to kinda look like a colourful squid I think :1prop: . Got it in bait and tackle shop in Chatswood.

    Hope this helps cheers,


  12. :1welcomeani: to all the new members in the last week. The forum is made up of beginners to the experienced fisho and all are willing to help. We are a family friendly site. Looking forward to reading your posts :1fishing1:

    Welcome, and enjoy Fishraider :thumbup:

    Cheers Glenn (chopper75) :yahoo:

    This welcome is really friendly but also hard to find...

    Maybe it could be moved to another section as new members would struggle to see it here.

    Just a thought cheers,


  13. Hi Simmo

    Big bream take the eyes out of bull mullet and actually bite thru the mouth and nose area cutting off their breathing works and thereby killing the fish......

    You often see yellowtail dead on the hook with the mouth missing....... This indicates that there are big bream to be had where you are fishing your live bait......

    If your live bait comes back with a cut in the back of their neck, that indicates the presence of squid, if they are dead on the hook with their tail fin missing which exposes the spine and kills them quickly, that indicates the presence of tailor which disable bigger fish by coming in behind them and biting their tail off.


    jewgaffer :1fishing1:

    :1yikes: Very interesting, thanks Jewgaffer



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