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  1. Since this discussion is at "The Bar" then i'll have another schooner of pale thanks........ If people were serious about and enjoyed there jobs they would also spend time away from work thinking about there work. If not then maybe there in the wrong profession and don't have the balls to make changes. (pardon the expression) got any nuts left barman?
  2. I have a tricycle and a metro ten as we can only afford one car at the moment and guess what.........my wife drives it. Its a 1995 honda, but she happily drops me at the lake on saturday mornings but you get some funny looks from the passengers on the bus in the afternoon.
  3. Lets forget modern day economics and go back to the barter system.....i'm sure fish were worth a bit back then so we'll all eat just fine. I am an employee but do also have my own retail business which is run by my wife. We are also struggling but managing and the need to cut staff is ever present but is only done as a last resort in any business. Its never an easy decision to mess with someone's livelihood no matter how well off or not. At some point though and not just in business sometimes you have to look out for number one. Number one should always include your family. Generally all stops are taken to preserve people's employment and pay cheques but sometimes that's not enough and employment costs are not a fixed and necessary expense at times. Life is sometimes tough but people survive and move on and are often thankful as a result. Often a push is needed for some people to get ahead and move out of a comfort zone. anyway back to fishing.................how about those bull sharks eh!! Anyone watch that special last night on how they're found 50 miles inland on the Brisbane river system!!?
  4. Try nail polish remover
  5. Helmut

    Line Twist

    Many thanks for taking the time to help me Jewgaffer. Much appreciated.
  6. Helmut

    Line Twist

    How do i avoid line twist when re-spooling line? Think i just wasted about $30 worth of braid- Stupid line!!!
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