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Everything posted by 70%ludite

  1. So very sad indeed Only 10 mins from were i live but there have been so many deaths. How do you educate people of the dangers of rock fishing it is such an extremley dangerous sport. You have to have the utmost respect for the ocean and never underestimate it. To think you would travel so far to get a feed of fish and lose your life is mind boggling. It is so sad for everyone invovled.
  2. I dont profess to being a flathead guru but i have caught a few. I went to a information night run by Ian Phillips (big E).He catches a lot of big fish and is only to happy to share his knowledge.He fishes a lot of deep water and uses alot of big plastics and big jig heads but his results speak for themselves.If you ever get a chance to see or speak to him do it.I had never used a plastic but i took on board what he said and varied it to my needs and i caught quite a few good fish.I was land based at that stage. My personal favourite is a silver fox with the tail coloured red or green.But tecnique does help.So does the right weight jig head for water depth and current.Hopefully i can apply all of this now that i am a boat owner but i have got the monkey off my back.
  3. Thanks Roberta Havent done any bass fishing up there as of yet.But have been a few times with limited success at the back of lake Illawarra.My decky for tomorrow is heading up there tonight.Let you know how he goes.They usually do quite well wading after dark.Aim to get a lot more fishing done now i have a boat.
  4. Just got back from fishing the shoalhaven river.First time in my new boat.We got the second half of the runout tide and managed a dozen flathead to 50 cms and 2 flounder .7 keepers.All on plastics mainly squidgie fish with a red spike it added to the tail.Back again tomorrow morning and should get an extra hour of the tide.Hopefully conditions are as good as today.
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