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Hi guys,

First of all i would like to say what a great website this is. I have only been fortunate enough to have expereinced the site for a week or so, and since the first time i read it, its now become the first thing i look at when i turn on my pc every morning so i can see what great fishing adventures everyone has been on.

Not only is this site great for reading what everyone has been upto in regards to their fishing expeditions but you are all so generous in your tips to fellow inexperienced fisherman like myself. I have probably learnt more in the last week by reading all the tips than i have fishing with friends for the last year.

Anyway, im excited, i have a 4.4m fibreglass boat which i use in sydney harbour. I have a very inconsistent history with my fishing trips, and i mean very inconsistent. It seems this inconsistency may have changed for the short time. The last 2 times i have been fishing are since i have explored and taken on some valuable information from this website. we (me and friend) have had keepers on both occasions (1st time - blue swimmer (fluke), trevally about 40cm and a flounder...2nd time (today, my first kingy 62cm, flounder and a nice flattie). I could not contain my happiness today with my first kingy, you read about how everyone goes on about what a fight and experience it is to catch one and until you do, you realise how true it all is :1prop: .

I have some photos on another pc which i will try and add to the post.

I cant wait to tell you about some more of my adventures and in the meantime i look forward to reading about all your fishing trips and hopefully gaining some more knowledge about our great friends of the sea.

Im still beaming from the kingy, i can hear that reel zzzzzzzzzzz

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thanks to all for the welcome,

i forgot to write about how i caught the kingfish.

i took 2 of my mates who arent so keen fisherman but do enjoy chucking a line out. i brought 4 rods to play with, 3 set up for general fishing and my bigger rod setup specifically for the kingies (fresh caught squid). anyway i was getting slightly annoyed, waiting for 2 hours and not 1 bite on my rod but the 3 smaller ones were getting lots of bites. i decided i would take one of the smaller ones and have 2 rods going to myself. when i decide to use this smaller rod i notice that somehow one of my mates has really stuffed up the spool and i have to lose half of the line. so i put on my no2 sinker and a decent size hook and a fresh prawn. my mate at the back somehow manages to get his line near mine and hooks up for a small fish. i have to reel in my smaller rod to get it our of the way and as im doing this BANG! the rod almost doubles up on itself. my spool is like zzzzzzzzz and its then i notice that i can see the silver through the line to the spool, this is where is start stressing, i think "damn im going to run out of line". i knew it was a nice fish. I start trying to reel in before it runs out of line and manage to start retreiving some line. just as i feel a bit more comfortable with the amount of line on the spool and the fish seems to be tiring the fish just takes off again, its then i get this little thought in my head "maybe its a kingi... no cant be". i get to the stage where there is hardly any line left and i start retreiving and make some in roads on the amount of line, this happens numerous time (about 5). after this keeps repeating itself i think, "it has to be, its gotta to be". after 5-6mins of hard work i manage to see this beautiful looking fish, something i have never seen before. I shout "ITS A KINGIE". :yahoo: now im real nervous because the easy part is done, the hard part is not snapping the light line and getting my not so experienced mates to get the net and land it, but they did great and we got it on board. :1clap:

i can't belive i caught the kingy on a prawn after reading all reports and any knowledge i had how how to catch a kingy this seemed to go against all theories...i will not complain about it though... i think it was just pure luck and one hungry fish involved.

its almost been a week since i caught it and i cant stop thinking about it... :biggrin2: i just cant wait to TRY and get another one

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Hahaha, good on ya mate, you're good and propper hooked now, say goodbye to your paycheque each week as you buy the squidjigs, the fluro carbon, the sinkers and hooks, the crane swivels, and any other parafenalia you think might help your chances next time!

Good story mate!

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:1welcomeani: Mate.

Great Report!

I caught my first Kingie on 23rd Jan this year when I went on a charter with Pete LeBlang (who's a legend) and I still can't forget what an amazing buzz. I have never felt a fish go like that before, it was only 59 cm and probably 1.5kg, but it out did a 10kg eurpean carp and a 5kg barra that I've caught in the past. My son also caught a couple, we're totally hooked on kingies and we're hiring a tinny this weekend to try for some more on the harbour. Very excited!

Tight lines this weekend for all getting out there.

Neil :beersmile:

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gday,great report :thumbup: ,i also caught my first king this month,caught on a tsnami 4 inch mullet shad,i was using my kmart speacial penn silver series 3kg rod and 2000 reel,holy #$%^ i thought the rod was going 2 snap,it only went 58 cm released,i thought salmon went hard on light gear ,nothing on the kings,would love 2 catch a 80cm,but might have upgrade the gear i think,cheers shane :biggrin2:

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thanks to all for the welcome,

i can't belive i caught the kingy on a prawn

Well done mate. I must tell you, that the first kingy I ever caught, was also on a prawn. Actually we had three rods down, and a hand line. We were drifting across a bommy at North Curly, about 100m off the beach. 2 rods and the hand line went down at the same time. One rod shot over the side, and was just caught by my mate, as it went down. Between 3 of us, we managed to bring in the 3 Kingies, after a lot of yelling, and swapping rods and hand lines to untie knots that were being swiftly tied by the Kingies. Every single bait was a prawn. I believe that Kingies may actually target prawns at times. For 3 prawns to be taken at once, they either like them, or they just had a predatory reaction to the baits coming down into their domain.

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Congratulations on catching your 1st King,well done,

I hope u catch many more and we get to read about it.

I've caught half a dozen or so Kings this summer and

all have been on peeled prawns.

We even have seen one take prawns we have thrown

at him over the side of our boat,until he finaly took

the one attached to my hook,this was about 5 feet

away and 2 foot down from us.

I,like u now,know they take prawns.

:beersmile: Cheers,Penguin

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