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Sydney What A Place


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First off sorry boys and girls i didnt make social. As some of you no me my gf and a cpl of m8s were going down to watch the mardi gra. Well getting lost in the city lol 2 many drinks eventually found the parade and me and my gf had 1 look and went nah lets go sumwhere. Anywayz found a heap of m8s in hyde park and its where all the straight ppl were. Had a bit of fun here and got bored after a while and lost all my m8s we decided 2 head home to the coast. Got back 2 central mad no trains until 4.45 back to the coast looks like we were here for 2 hrs. Anywayz cut a long story short ended up getting rolled by sum aboriginal gang took all me and my gfs money only like 30 dollars and my fone was great. Oh well this stage so scared we had no idea wat 2 do. Eventually got my fone back but we thought lets go for a walk. Soon as we r leaving cops around sum guys just been bashed outside ahah wat a great nite. Ended up hiding wit a group of gay guys which made me even more scared. I h8 syd :ranting2:

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What a bad experience! I can see that it's spoiled your opinion of Sydney. I'm biased, but the southern suburbs have a lot less commotion from day to day (apart from at a beach beginning with C - a notable omission).


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Guest bluecod

Ty - good to hear you're home safely :05:

Could have been a lot worse mate - those blokes who rolled you could have tied your hands around a tree and taken your duds :1yikes:

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Sorry to hear about you unfortunate experience mate, i find the city is best not visited on crazy nights. Thankfully you were able to get home safe and sound, despite the loss of your money etc material things can be replaced. :thumbdown:

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I no my gf wont be going back 2 soon. Didnt realise how rude some ppl are to girls i thought it was a joke. First in hyde park sum 40yr old groped my gf and thought it was funny and then these aboriginals were so rude to her i was more worried for her i reckon they would of tried 2 do sumthing 2 her. Cant tell you how much of a relief when the transit officers came and we could escape that carriage. Apart from that we had fun we went off away from evry1 pretty much but. Could of done the same up here on the coast.

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Guest madsmc

Good to hear you and your girlfriend got home OK Tyrone.

Unfortunately the situation you just experienced isn't limited to Sydney. There are plenty of other major towns along the east coast where you could find yourself in a similar situation, and I'm sad to say that my home town of Newcastle is one of them.

A mate of mine was bashed by a group of street kids on a Saturday night in Newy. Ten plus people versus one guy who's had a few isn't a fair fight by any stretch of the imagination. He spent the next few days in hospital, with the Police saying they would look into it. Nothing ever came of that, but you can be sure that one day those little buggers are going to pick the wrong person. :mad3:

My only advice is that you hang around with mates as a group, and the gutless little turds will leave you alone.



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Glad you and your girl are ok. Even if you are a bit shaken. As much as it sucks all you lost was money and that can be replaced.

Even here on the Coast there are groups of 10-15 little $##%@!! walking the streets at all hours giving people a hard time. You could probably handle 3 or 4 of them but a that many they are just best avoided.

but you can be sure that one day those little buggers are going to pick the wrong person. :mad3:

Spot on Shane. I'm a big believer in Karma. These guys will get what's coming to them at some stage..

On a happier note, I ran into one of the litte sods at the club one night who gave me a hard time with a heap of his mates. When they are by themselves they loose their bravado real quick :biggrin2:

Edited by Jethro
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speaking about crime in sydney.....

on sunday when I came back from watching the STC bream comp at Bayview Park in Concord... as I opened the door I saw a burglar inside my house :1yikes::1yikes: I chased him out of the house and hit him in the face once. The bastard stole my mobile phone and my watch, I would've lost my video camera and my fishing bag if I come any later.

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I totally agree Jethro they do loose there macho man status when there not in a big group.

I work in Goerge Street the rocks so theres high security every where but when I got to work today I found some little shit has scratched Tags and I was here shit into the glass out the front of the gallery. :ranting2:

Not happy Jan. Its going to cost $3000 to fix :thumbdown: . Maby there were just a few Idiots around. On the weekend. There will always be trouble makers around on big nights in the city.

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Im Just glad we survived. Its pretty sad if you have 2 party with a group cant just spend a night with your gf. I will agree central coast is a joke now. To many heros trying 2 get a name for themselves. Ill only fight to defend myself or m8s but it could of been alot worse for my gf had they taken her, what could i have done with out being stabbed etc how would u feel being helpless pretty much.

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