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Line Types


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The main types of line are monofilament (mono) or braided/gel-spun lines. Monofilament is the cheapest and most available type of line. Braid or gel-spun is MUCH more expensive, but the advantages are it is much thinner (fit more on your spool, less wind/water resistance etc) and does not stretch (better sensitivity and control). Braid/gel-spun also has less 'memory' ie, it doesn't stay curled after it leaves the spool.

If you are bait fishing, mono is probably good enough. Braided lines are usually for those who do a lot of casting with lures.

Hope this helps

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I totally agree with Irrr

If you're going to use the line for chucking lures, be they soft plastic or hardbody, you can't go past braid. Better casting, better action, much better feel for the little taps and bumps as the fish start to show interest in your lure. You always have to use a mono leader however because, as Gibbo notes, if the braid so much as touches a sharp object (fish teeth or rocks) whilst under pressure it will break.

If you're going to bait fish houwever then mono is the way to go (unless you're talking downrigging livies for kingfish - which is a bit more like lurefishing anyway). Beach, boat, deinfitely rocks, mono will give you much better value.


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I agree, Braid is not good at all if you are chasing species that run deep, The break as soon as they touch reef, I have used both and prefer mono, i like the stretch in the line. But i have mates who only use braid and will never use anything else.

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what about nylon lines? or are they the same as monofilament?

im currently using platypus pink in 30lb for a mainline, for fishing around structure and jetties (such as clifton :1prop: ) im not sure what type of line i shud be using as a leader? would i even need a leader seeing as the platypus line is monofil?



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can you explain why braid is good for downrigging ?

Well i downrigg everytime i fish and i have always used Mono, dont like braid, every pro pelagic fisherman i have spoke to prefers mono, but the one good thing is you can get more line on the spool with braid, but i use pretty big outfits for Larger pelagics so they have pretty large spools anyway

Edited by netic
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there is one other type of line which hasnt been mentioned and that is flurocarbon...

flurocarbon is -

1. very tough

2. invisible in the water

3. very expensive

4. highly abrasive resistant

usually only used as leader material and works well :thumbup:

the only downer is the heavier weight fluro has a terrible memory! its thicker than the same weight mono and is a bit harder to tie

i fish light mono on my livie catching rig and for the missus to catch bream and whiting, then i use 8 and 14lb braid for plastics and lures, and then 15kg mono for live baiting and trolling for large pelagics

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  • 4 months later...

Fireline is gel-spun braid right ? Is gel-spun just a superior manufacture method to normal braid ?

I just bought 500m of 50lb BLUE STEEL dyneema off ebay, baitfishing kings, but it looks pretty think for braid (compared to the 50lb fireline i've used. I'm not sure though, it says it's 0.35mm diameter.

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I actually think fireline is inferior to some types of braid (SOME). I don't know about the dyneema braids, but the spectra braids are finer in diameter than fireline and are also a lot less stiff than fireline with even less memory. I only use fireline in 4-6 lb. Anything above that, I would move to the spectra braids.

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