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Went for a fish in the Botany Bay this morning ,conditions were great light breeze from the west ,got to the spot just on sunrise got the berley going the was not much run so the berley trickled out nice and slow first fish hit like a train and felt a lot bigger than it turned out to be, it was a snapper ,more like a squire it went 34cm good eating size after that is was one after another finished up with 7 & or 8 all around the same size threw back 3 or 4 just under 30cm ,

also mixed in with the reds were some bream one went 36cm and some trevaly ,got busted off a couple of times think it could have been big trevs felt a lot of head shaking and strong runs

Things slowed around 8/30 so I went for a spin with S/Ps

2 hours later all I had was 2 small flattys and a good bream that looked like he had been in a few battles [see pic ] well that’s about it got back to the ramp at 11/30



Good one Garry :thumbup: I'm hopping to get out thursday; if the boats fixed :( . Just shows how robust some bream are aye mate. :biggrin2:


Go the Bay! :thumbup: Good catch mate, seems the Breambo's are running across the Bay as well..Geez I miss my boat some of those Snapper would have been great :biggrin2:


The bream most likely escaped a net when it was young. Happens to a lot of bream and blackfish! Yes plenty of reds around now the swell has sterred it up a little.

hey dutch any been getting caught off the rocks??


top effort mate keep up the good fishing, were there any sign of the botany kings anywhere?

definately good snapper tho, and your not wrong that bream has definatley been in the wars.


Guest Sea Jay

top stuff Garry,

i nailed a small snapper in port hacking the other day which had the same sort of net damage as your bream.

WHat do you mean by net damage????

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