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The Humble Prawn!


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gday guys ,

when im fishing with bait ( not often, go the lures!!) i like to choose the good old Hawk prawns.

i used to always remove the head and curl them up on the hook like many do until i read a SA fishing article,

i now rig the bigger prawns by tying a half hitch round the head and threading the hook through the segments so it comes out of the back and the prawn looks like it would when its live (almost like a squid jig profile ) and everything is intact. i use bigger hooks and give the prawn a dead slow retrieve and this gets more legal sized fish (not total) and a wider species (kingies, jewies) compared to the one curled up .

how do yous all like to rig your prawns just curl them up , pin them trough the tail or has anyone else had success with the above method .

can somone tell me if i may be wasting my time by rigging them like this??

cheers pk

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When I use prawns I pin them at the base of the tail and I work the hook all th eway through and I have the

hookl coming out just at the base of the head so it looks like one of the prawns arm thingies.

Prawns swim backwards and most fish go for the hear first, If your catching legal fish keep doing what your doing. thats just how I rig them and it has done wonders for me in the past.

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Prawns swim backwards and most fish go for the hear first, If your catching legal fish keep doing what your doing. thats just how I rig them and it has done wonders for me in the past.

thanks sharky i will try that

i didnt know about prawns swimming backwards gee you have this all thought out.. just a question does your hook come out the top bit of the head or the underbelly part where the legs are.?? and do you usually tie a half hitch on the head so when you cast it doesnt fall off??

cheers pk

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