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Pport Hacking Tuesday 25th April


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Headed out with my mate Corey and his dad yesterday at first light, thought we'd have a quick troll around the jibbon bombie to see what we could hook up but we were met with a very bumpy angry sea, we got out about paralel with the bombie and all made a unanamous decission that we didn't want to die so we swung left back along cronulla it was then that both Lindon and I hooked up with the 2 lines trolling out the back but unfortunately we both dropped the fish that we assumed were probably frigates.

We headed back in to the safety of South west arms we're we proceeded to pull in small pinkies by the dozens on worms and peeled prawns, after about an hour of feeding these little buggers we headed down and tried a drift of bonnie vale for squat so we moved over to the entrance of buraneer bay where we stopped to watcth 2 blokes getting dragged all over the shop by what looked to be a big fish, after about 5 minutes and the driver using the boat to pull whatever it was clear of the moorings we watched on as the guy continued to get run alll around the boat straining and rod buckeled over the netted what looked to be a well and truly legal King. The current was really pushing hard now and we couldn't keep the baits down so we gave the 2 king gladiators the thumbs up and headed back to the moorings in south west arms where we managed a 34cm whiting and a few small tailor.

Back to where we started at the entrance of south west arms I chucked out a strip of tailor that was instantly nailed by the only legal red of the day although we pulled in dozens more between 15 and 25cm, we also managed a nice 50cm flattie, 29cm flounder to go with the 2 other keepers of the day.

Corey picked up big time on his little bream stick that had the little shimano sienna's drag singing that song and his little squidgie rod close to it's limit, every time he'd get some line back this thing would take a huge run and take it all back all up this battle must have lasted about 8 mins and in the end the 12lb leader gave way at the hook and that was the end, no idea what it was.

Great day fishing although the wind and the rain were a bit miserable.

Edited by robthefisherman
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Hi Rob,

Great report mate and nice to see a king being landed, even if it wasn't by you... :ranting2: Next time mate.

Sounds like that run on the bream gear might have been a king, shame you didn't get to see it.

I haven't fished the hacking or down south under the cliffs for so long now I can't remember....

Glad to see you had a good day out.



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could have very well been a king, we seen 2 streak across the flats at a great rate of knots earlier in the day, seems there's still a few in the hacking.

Nice report, Rob! I've run into the same type of fish that Corey hooked in South West Arm except it continued, time after time, to snap my trace. I continued to upsize until I stopped getting bites on 40lb.


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Nice report, Rob! I've run into the same type of fish that Corey hooked in South West Arm except it continued, time after time, to snap my trace. I continued to upsize until I stopped getting bites on 40lb.


Never landed it?

Could be the new loch ness monster :074:

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