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The Entrance


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Hello all,

During the easter weekend that just passed, me and a couple of mates and my brother ventured out to the entrance lake with boat in tow. no sooner had we made it there to my disbelief i had blown a headgasket in my trusty rodeo ute.

Got up the next morning with the urge to try the car, we found it would start so knowing the ramp was only a matter of 5 mins down the road we took the risk and towed the boat down to the lake. Once on the water it was a great day with quite a few fish caught.

first of all we went and set some crab pot and then hit the bridge for some breamin.

There was an abundance of bream when we fished the bridge pylons with all unfortunately being undersize. One undersize long tom was also picked up from the bridge with the little bastard biting my index finger :mad3:.

From there we ventured out the one of the islands out the back of the lake and drifted for flatties. picked up one fairly decent size flattie and a 35cm bream on the drift.

Went back to collect the crab pot a few hours later to find a very nice bluey inside. MMMMMMMMM tasty.

Plenty of fish caught on the day on the lake, just a shame nearly all were undersize.

Went back to the unit and cooked up a nice little feed for good friday and proceeded to start the drinkathon.

cheers all.

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Nice report from up on the Central Coast :biggrin2: Are the blackfish around yet ??? I have a new luderick rod and want to test it out soon

Cheers Swordfisherman

Although i didnt catch any (diddnt try, wouldnt know how) some people were hitting the rock right at the mouth of the lake with some good results, probly the biggest at around 40cm. not too bad.

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Kingies till i die, nice report. Since the dredge that you no doubt saw at the mouth began to do its thing, it's completely changed the channels around the mouth :thumbdown: This seems to have put the bigger fish off for some reason :mad3: . Stewy, there are supposed to be some blackfish around up there at the moment.


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Thats very true flattieman I used to get much bigger fish in bigger numbers from the lake there. hopefully once the dredger has done its thing it will enable better flow in the lake and bigger fish to stalk there.

Have there been any reported jew sightings in the lake of late. ive hooded a couple in there before on flattie gear and been busted off.

Im yet to catch a jewie anywhere and am dying to cross that species off my list.


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Thats very true flattieman I used to get much bigger fish in bigger numbers from the lake there. hopefully once the dredger has done its thing it will enable better flow in the lake and bigger fish to stalk there.

Have there been any reported jew sightings in the lake of late. ive hooded a couple in there before on flattie gear and been busted off.

Im yet to catch a jewie anywhere and am dying to cross that species off my list.


Yeah - I was a bit frustrated about the lack of action on the Lake - in fact, I converted to Brisbane Water for most of the time. There haven't been any jew sightings on the Lake, just a bull shark near Pelican Island (not kidding - confirmed). There are some jews off North Entrance Beach, but when I tried (once- how slack!) I struck out - only caught a shovelnose shark. The guys next to me didn't do much better with a hammerhead and a schoolie. I failed to hook up on a couple of bites that left jewie-looking chunks out of the side of my squid - struck too early! North Entrance is renowned for jewfish, and now's the time to catch one whilst the mullet run up the beach.


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Yeah - I was a bit frustrated about the lack of action on the Lake - in fact, I converted to Brisbane Water for most of the time. There haven't been any jew sightings on the Lake, just a bull shark near Pelican Island (not kidding - confirmed). There are some jews off North Entrance Beach, but when I tried (once- how slack!) I struck out - only caught a shovelnose shark. The guys next to me didn't do much better with a hammerhead and a schoolie. I failed to hook up on a couple of bites that left jewie-looking chunks out of the side of my squid - struck too early! North Entrance is renowned for jewfish, and now's the time to catch one whilst the mullet run up the beach.


Cheers Flattieman

Thanks for the advise. next time in the area ill definately give north entrance beach a try.

i cant believe theres a bull shark somewhere in there. thats crazy, no more swimming off the boat for me.

tight lines.

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Cheers Flattieman

Thanks for the advise. next time in the area ill definately give north entrance beach a try.

i cant believe theres a bull shark somewhere in there. thats crazy, no more swimming off the boat for me.

tight lines.

Yeah - just ask Chuck from Baits-R-Us. There's been multiple sightings.


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