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Home From Mount Ku-rin-gai

Brad Duffell

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post-1955-1146480224_thumb.jpgpost-1955-1146480362_thumb.jpgGday fellas,

Im back from my :1fishing1: advernture. I got up at 5 this morning and caught a train to mount ku-rin-gai. I walked the trak down to cowan creek and it took me just over an hour to walk it with stops.

got fishin at about 8-8.30

Didnt catch anything worth while, about 8 jackets and a few juvie squire.

It was extemely satisfying to walk the track and do a bit of fishing. The scenery is spectacular and I recommend it to anyone who dosent mind a bit of a walk. Heres a few picies of the day.

Cheeres fellas and tight lines to all,


Edited by Fishing+Guitar=Heaven
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Guest Saqa

Its great to get out in nature like that. There is a youth hostel in pittwater where you can stay cheaply over the weekend and explore the little bays around it.

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Its a beaut spot down there.

Try it in summer and flick small sp's over the sandflats and along the dropoff or pump some yabbies and flick them around for whiting flathead and bream. or trap some poddies and nose hook them on a small shiner hook on a 2 foot trace then swivel then small bean sinker, and flick them out from the dropoff at low tide and slowly retrieve.

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