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Up The Creek.. In The Mountains


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Boat is still broken, so I went up to the mountains last weekend to try a little creek that has produced a few trout in the past..

The water was pretty clear and shallow, so it took a lot of effort to stalk up to the good pools, Every tree, branch, stick or rock seemed to have a small trout under it.. Every cast would have at least three of the little blighters (around 15cm long) chasing it.

In the end it turned into a trip where you would have to sight and target your fish, or risk getting another little one that would spook the pool.

Overall a very enjoyable afternoon and a good test of the casting skills (no lures lost!!!). We ended up releasing just over 20 (around 5 were keepers) and we missed out on a 6 pounder that was sitting in a rapid that we didn't see but nearly stepped on.

Looks like there might be a few more good weeks till trout season closes, but hopefully my boat will be up and running again in the next month so I dont have to worry so much about the cold!!! (it was a little fresh in the river!!)

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What a great day

Sounds like a perfect spot for a bit of fly fishing

Those little creeks are the ideal spot to have your first go at it

plenty of reward with unfussy hungry fish

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great catch, sounds like a good days fishing.

just wonder where abouts this little river is? i often fish lakelyell but im really sick of it and would like to try a different spot, its ok if you want to keep it a secret

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6 lbs is a pretty big trout

Yeah, thats about as big as I have ever seen them.

I will see if I can dig up an old pic of one from the "old Days", but as a guide they are about the length of two A4 sheets of paper end on end (dont have a ruler sorry)

Its great fun when you hit them as they just charge over the rapids into the next pool, so its a bit of a rush to keep up with one

What a great day

Sounds like a perfect spot for a bit of fly fishing

Those little creeks are the ideal spot to have your first go at it

plenty of reward with unfussy hungry fish

The creek that I fish in is tiny and a bit hard to fly fish.

We end up getting into the water as its pretty thick on the sides and even then it can get a little tricky casting as you have to get right under the willows tree's and over hangs to get a follow.

great catch, sounds like a good days fishing.

just wonder where abouts this little river is? i often fish lakelyell but im really sick of it and would like to try a different spot, its ok if you want to keep it a secret

Sorry mate, it is a little place that I have fished in for around 20 years now and I keep it secret purley for "Old times Sake".

I have fished Lake lyall though a fair bit and my tip is to go up any creek and try the first couple of deep pools that you come to as they will be probably holding there waiting for the first bit of fresh to come down.

If you walk up the river that feeds into the lake, then walk past all the sand and start fishing where you get into the rocks and blackberry's.. it would surprise me if you didnt get anything there

(Cast right into the overhangs and blackberry/willows.. regardless of how deep the water is)

(I am going there in two weeks as it has worked well in the past)

Good luck!!!

Edited by Nicho
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There's lots of good trout streams in the mountains both on the ridge and in the valleys. I used to fish a fair bit in the tributaries of the grose for small brownies and some nice bass as well as some bright orange yabbies that went well on the coals. With winter coming, the Kowmung and lower cox's should also fire for good sized rainbows and browns if you're up for a walk. My best day there, 2 mates and I pulled 11 fish from the first pool (stopped counting after that) up to 7lb. But its a fairly long walk, not day-trip. Beautiful country down there, well worth it just for the scenery and wildlife but some pretty good fishing can be had to.



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Well done mate, sounds like a great way to spend a day.

If you dont mind my asking what were you getting them on. Is the ol' fav' celtas still doing the damage


the water is too shallow in my creek for Celta's, so i go a floating minnow.

The Rapala F-5's did most of the damage, but any floating minnow of that size should get into them.

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