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Nz Fishing


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Hey Raiders,

Finally able to post a report of some substance.......

Been in NZ with the :wife: the past two weeks and had a great time. Did half a lap of the South Island and then a lap of the northern half of the north island. Beautiful place (as clutch would agree...).

Didn't take any fishing gear, and spent countless hours driving past/visiting/boating upon rivers, lakes, bays that would surely hold vast quantities of fish, without wetting a line :ranting2: It was torture..... Then on the second last day, the :wife: , god love her, said "Why don't you do a fishing charter" - wahoo! Clutch had recommended a good charter out of Paihia (Bay of Islands) so got on the phone and lucky for me they had room for me on a kingy charter the next morning.

Was full of expectation when I arrived at the pier at 7.30 next morning and was greeted by 4 other kiwis who were taking the charter with me. After a quick chat realised these NZ'ers aren't too bad after all! A fisho's a fisho in any nationality....

Our charter was a 42ft cruiser called "Iki Nui" meaning big fish.


We set sail for the bait grounds for some livies. After about an hour or so we had the livey tank full and headed off to a reef near Bird Rock (ocean side of Bay of Islands) to swim the liveys.

Wasn't long and Gary had a thumping snapper (prob only a tiddler in NZ!) on board (beautifully held up by me :biggrin2:)


After a few more of these, the skipper told us to haul our livies up as we were after kingies, not snapper! These were the biggest snapper I had ever seen “live”, and we were leaving them on the chew! Anyway, I left it to the experts to get us some king action.

Arrived at our next spot and sent the livies down again. Wasn’t long before Gary’s (again!) reel was screaming – this was no snapper. A few minutes later he boated the first king – a 70cm model, which as the kiwis know, is undersize – need 75cm over there to be legal!!

Over the next couple of hours we boated 15 or so kingies, which I thoroughly enjoyed, as I don’t think I have ever had more than one king in the boat in an outing. Biggest went to 80cm (Gary caught it of course):


I boated 4 kingies myself, with a couple of misses - was wrapped. And don't they pull like trains - was sure I had much bigger fish on the line, but when they came up, were still around the 70-75cm mark. Plenty healthy though.

Felt bad for one guy on the charter, Iain, as he was the only one of five not to catch a fish. We tried everything to get him one - he tried the rods that were catching the fish(!), anything and everything to get one, but no joy. Iain even moved to Gary's spot to try his luck ("plenty being caught in that corner"!), but should have seen his face after Gary moved into Iain's spot that had been unproductive for a couple of hours and proceeded to boat another king within a couple of minutes!! :074: Classic!!

All in all a great day, and I really only got to scratch the surface of fishing in NZ. Will have to get back there and give it a real go. Awesome place......

PS Apologies for the shit pics, but will only allow me 60kb for this post for some reason....

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Great post Simon :thumbup: ............poor Iain.......sometimes it just aint your day

but you did alright there Kiddo, hope you enjoyed your stay here and next time I hope we get out for a fish

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Gee Simon I think I may have put the "the Kiwi Curse" on your post.

219 views and no response except for myself...........I take responsibility for that, .......

...no matter Mate , get your butt back over here and we'll catch a heap :thumbup:

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Gee Simon I think I may have put the "the Kiwi Curse" on your post.

219 views and no response except for myself...........I take responsibility for that, .......

...no matter Mate , get your butt back over here and we'll catch a heap :thumbup:

Well, I'll break the curse. Great job, hatheadhaven. Love it when efforts produce quality fish. :biggrin2:


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That sounds dead set unreal, so much kingie action over there in NZ.

Seen great pics of my boss's fishing trip over there and the boys from the local tackle store who said its incredible over there.

Non stop reel screaming action.


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Gee Simon I think I may have put the "the Kiwi Curse" on your post.

219 views and no response except for myself...........I take responsibility for that, .......

...no matter Mate , get your butt back over here and we'll catch a heap :thumbup:

Mate, I get what I deserve. I am guilty of viewing and not responding enough, so what goes around..... :biggrin2:

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