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Botany Bay 6/5/2006


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Hello evry1,

Had to wait till my bro got home from work before we ventured out to botany with the boat in search of some kings.

Hit moll point first up next to one of the green markers before the point for some nice size yakkas.

Once we had a few we moved up the wall and deployed.

Unfortunately the hoodies or rats were just not there, with a combination of a great berley trail and livies and squid just no hits at all.

left the rigs down while we had some fun with some small trevs and mackrel.

water visability was so good could see the bottom with ease at moll point in about 15 - 20 metres from the wall. not bad considering the depth was about 13 metres.

Due to the diminishing light levels we decided to troll a small christmas tree lure and one hard body deep diver around to the heads where i hooked up to something quite nice only to loose it after a few minutes of fighting. must of been a fat salmon as it didnt reallt run like a king.

Oh well all in all a good arvo session with plenty of tiddlers to at least keep us amused.


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We were also surprised that there were no predators around, with the amont of bait in the bay at the moment.

Our day went like this -

Plan A: At the breakwall my sounder was blacked out with yakkas. We would score 3-5 at a time on jigs. They were good size for the bay rats too, small about 10-15cm. Sticked to the bait shoals, slow trolling them around, one on the surface, one deep... to no avail.

Plan B: Hit a nice drop off at the southern side of the bay, berley up, fished livies and strip baits of squid... for zip also.

Plan C: Unplanned, we found and chased some frigates around the mouth of the georges, but they were too flighty, and would spook easily. They were put in the too hard basket and so we left in frustration. Zip

Plan D: Hit our fav jew haunt on the low tide further up the river. Livies and squid. Ended up with a couple of small bream. Fantastic!

Decided that we were fighting a dying battle at about 1pm. Went home with our tails firmly between our legs. Fought a stiff 25 knot nnw wind back to the ramp. Lovely stuff.

Water temps in the bay were around 21 deg, 18 degrees up the river. Winter is fast approaching.

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