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Iron Cove 7/5/06


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finally after about 4 or 5 fruitless fishing trips (we're reasonably new to fishing SP) and studying the the countless successful reports on this forum, had a successful spinning session on Sunday Morning with my 2 brothers.

We were on the water by 6am and headed over to IC. Ian had seen a couple of guys pulling up some decent fish under the little bridge around near the reception centre a couple of weeks earlier. Tried here first with no luck and we were thinking it might be another luckless day on the water. Decided to try the moored boats, remembering some words of wisdom from this forum - specifically, "fish deep" and "retreive slow".

We fish out of a Quintrex Top Ender, but have no electric motor, so our plan was to slowly drift through the moored boats, having about 6-7 casts at each hull on the way through. Because there was no wind, this tactic seemed to work a treat. Chris's first cast brought an excited "yep, I'm on!" and he landed the first bream of the morning at 33cm. I had a cast at the same boat hull, let my lure sink deep until it hit the bottom and slooooowwww retrieve. Nothing. Next boat hull, same deal, sink deep and slooow retrieve. Next thing, I'm on too! WOoohooo this is fun. I landed my PB bream at 32cm, finally breaking the 30cm mark :biggrin2: This is addictive. Over the next 2 hours, we drifted between the boats and landed another 4 bream, a few small flatties and my PB and first ever whiting on SP at 37cm. I also got busted off by the biggest bream I have ever seen in the flesh. It followed my lure all the way back to the boat, and I spotted it about half a meter under the surface. Ian says to me, "drop the lure again", so I open the bail arm and let the lure drop back to the bottom and the fish followed it back down. I have never seen a 40cm bream, but I'm guessing it was pretty close to this mark. Next thing I know there is line peeling off my reel and my heart is in my mouth! I had premature visions of posting a 40cm specimen in my report . Unfortunately, I couldn't get any line back, and the fish dived straight back toward the mooring rope and SNAP, it was gone! Largely through lack of experience, I was outdone by a pro :thumbup: . What do they say about counting chickens before they hatch? That for me was probably the highlight of the day.


Not long after 8.30am, the fish went off the bite and the wind picked up quite dramatically. We tried a couple more spots then decided to head up the river to see if we could suss a few new spots (most of the fishing we've done has been around cockatoo, and up lane cove and Burns bay). This never happened though, I got a call at about 9am from the boss saying she's on her way to the ramp to drop off the kids. This is our routine - I get to go early for a fish, and the kids meet me later for a bit of a play. We tried a few spots with the kids to wet their lines with no success. The wind had come up strong, and we were getting blown around all over the place. The novelty soon wore off with them so we decided to go for a cruise which they love to do and pulled the boat out around 11.30am.

All in all a fun day

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Great report Gerg - good to see you getting into a few breambos on the sp's. :thumbup:

If the other SP maniacs on this site are anything to go by you'll never be able to shake the passion for more of this type of fishing. :biggrin2:


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We fish out of a Quintrex Top Ender, but have no electric motor, so our plan was to slowly drift through the moored boats, having about 6-7 casts at each hull on the way through. Because there was no wind, this tactic seemed to work a treat.

G'day mate,

That's a great report and terrific work on the PB's. I don't have an electric either and use exactly the same tactic to target fish in amongst the boats. I use the breeze and line the boat up so I drift between them. Works a treat but you're at the mercy of the wind's strength and direction.

It also works fishing the mangroves or rocky shorelines when the wind plays ball. You can drift along firing in at the shoreline where the bream live.



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