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Blue Swimmer Crabs


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Hi Raiders

Many years ago I used to go spotlighting for Blueswimers in Belmont Bay on Lake Macquarie

Now my memory is faiding for the life of me I cannot remember what time of year we were diong this

and secondly wether it is still leagal now Pro fishing and traps are band in this waterway is there anyone out there that can give me a headsup on this subject as i would like to go and do this again.

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From memory using traps \ pots for crabs in Lake Mac is ILLEGAL but scooping them is still LEGAL. There used to be a Dept of Fisheries branch up there, best to give them a call to get exact answer.

Best time is in summer when the big prawn runs are running. I found we got great catches by following the weed run, just becareful not to scramble the weed run and wreck it for everyone who is prawning.

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Guest Big-Banana

I dont understand this witches hat business....can someone please elaborate? how do you use the witches hat?

Not a witches hat as such, a type of crab net it called a witches hat.

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