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First Jewie From Kayak - Georges River - 27/5/06


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After setting off at 6:15am and getting my first fish, a 45cm Flattie, at 6:17am, I felt like it would be a good day! I was heading to some of my favourite pontoons near Oatley to catch a few bream and I was trolling a couple of HB's as I made my way there. I reset the lures after the flathead and 5 minutes later I came up tight on this girl.


It took me 15 minutes to land her and after a quick hello I slid her back into the water to fight another day. And it was all caught on film too, which will go into the DVD I'm filming. I still had a grin from ear to ear when I started going for bream and they were obviously keen to play, too. I landed 7 keepers all up, the biggest going 34cm fork length, most caught on berkley 6" Sandworms (Camo). This was obviously one of my best days on the water from the kayak. Here's hoping many more follow.



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Hi Cid,

Congratulations. Well done. Which hardbody lure did the job on the jew?

Always amazed at the size of fish that can be caught from kayaks and canoes -- often shows the bigger boat fishos up.

Sit-on-top type kayaks seem to be gathering a big following.

What type of yak is yours?



Edited by kenmare
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Guest madsmc

That's a great catch from the yak Cid, I'll bet she towed you around a bit too. Well done on a top days fishing. :thumbup:

If you don't mind me asking, what HB did the jew take a liking to?



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Thanks for the comments everyone. The HB was a Juro Pygmy (red/yellow) that had the hooks upgraded with size 14 owner stingers. Luckily for me there was no structure around so I could take it fairly easily and with the Hobie I could pedal around a bit so as to keep the tension side-on.

I was using a pflueger medallist reel matched with a Trion rod and 4lb fireline and 6lb leader. As you can see, I was chasing bream and flatties, so I feel extremely priveleged to have been able to land her.



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Hi Fisherman-Dan,

Yep, it's based on kayak fishing around the Sydney environs. Concentrating on bream, bass, flathead, kingfish, tailor, salmon .... and JEWIES! :biggrin2:

It wont be released until December though as we've just started shooting it.



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Hi Fisherman-Dan,

Yep, it's based on kayak fishing around the Sydney environs. Concentrating on bream, bass, flathead, kingfish, tailor, salmon .... and JEWIES! :biggrin2:

It wont be released until December though as we've just started shooting it.



You'll get my money. I love kayak fishing. Did that jew give you a sleigh ride?

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