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I Caught The One Meter Tailor.


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Hi to all Members,

It didn,t take Mick long to post that capture,and boy what a fish.I've caught some nice tailor in my day,but this one blew them away.About half an hour earlier I got one about one kilo and cut him up for bait in slabs,and thats what he took. He only shook the bait and ran in with it ten to fifteen meters.and dropped it, and as i leaned back on him ,he took off, and boy didn't he go.He must have run one hundred meters before i could stop him. and i honestly thought i had a jewie on,only he was going a lot faster.But i must admit it was certainly a big thrill,as seven lb was about the biggest one iv'e ever caught.I hope all you guys get one in your lifetime.and you can say you've caught Tyranasaurus Tailor.

Best of luck, Lawrie

I thought I would throw these pictures in with the story of my catch ,

to Clarify the confusion.

By the way, i'm going back to-night to look for his mother.

Thanks all. Lawrie.


Edited by Lawrie
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Guest Mulloway Mayhem

awsome tailor lawrie

thats one huge tailor mate keep up the good work :biggrin2:

cheers wayneo

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G'day Lawrie,

Looks like your at the front of the line for a new reel mate..... :biggrin2:

I think I need to stop bream fishing and go find a biiiiiiiiig fish somewhere if I'm a chance next month!!

As Netic said, congratulations on coming close to the Aussie record :thumbup:



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I once saw a tailor that had been caught down at the banks that went 7kg; the fellow got it jigging for kings. I didn’t think I would see a bigger specimen’ but yours has defiantly got the wood on his. Great fish, excellent capture. :thumbup:

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Tyranasaurus Tailor. Lawrie.

What a monster! That is the fish of a lifetime - well done, Lawrie. I have only seen pics of fish like that from the cliffs of WA! Might see you down at 7 Mile one day!

Cheers Roberta

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Tyranasaurus Tailor. Lawrie.

What a monster! That is the fish of a lifetime - well done, Lawrie. I have only seen pics of fish like that from the cliffs of WA! Might see you down at 7 Mile one day!

Cheers Roberta

Thanks Roberta.

Had lot's of nice remarks on the tailor, the raiders are a good bunch of fishos.hope tyey all experience one like one day.

PS. The news of the capture has swept like wild fire up here.I think everyone is going to try and catch one. when the weather clears.

Thanks once again ,Lawrie.

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:1yikes: Now that's a tailor.

I can't believe my tailor has been beaten already.

Gives me a good excuse to get out there a do alot more fishing to crack that meter mark :biggrin2:

I'm rigging the big gang hooks as I write.

Once again top fish.

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