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Lake Mac.


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Havn't been on the lake for a while so on the water at 6am hopeingfor a few winter fish. had a go for blackfish for a while for blot, not to be detered i tried a bit of bottom fishing for a few small bream(not far off legal) then a drift for lizards, bugger all :( Ah well 9.30 by this time, not looking good there was a slight breeze and started to bucket down and thinking of pulling the pin when the water in front of the boat errupted and birds came from all directions. :1yikes: Was all thumbs tying a lure on, got it out and an instant hook up, 4lb line and a great fight resulted in a 40 cm chopper (1.2kl) chased them around the lake for the next hour for another 4 about the same size. Impressed and satisfied i called it a day, tailor for dinner and the mandatory few ales cheers all.

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Sounds like a good session. :thumbup:

I read a report about there being 4 sharks spotted recently in the lake with one hammerhead caught weighing 120KG.

Hasnt the lake improved since they stopped the pros



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