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Saturday Hawkesbury


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after a few minor troubles launching due to motor not co operating headed off to 1 of 3 spots which we had planned for the day.

after 10 minutes on the water pull up tight on what i thought was something unusual and to my amazment it was a hairtail, never caught one before and technically still havn t as i dropped it a couple of metres from netting. although i had lost him i was still over the moon and had high hopes for the day. (butterflied yellowtial)

a couple of hours then went by and we were contemplating a shift to our seond spot just as the sun was coming up and my partner gets a little run expecting a fish of at least 10kg but ends up bringing a schoolie of about 4to 5 kg. drag wasn t set correctly which mad me think it was bigger than it was. (squid)

once the sun came up decided we would fish the last few of hours of the run it our second spot that never eventuated lost our anchor over the side of the boat absolute nightmare as we had know spare.

spent the next few hours drifting and spinning some plastics were we added one tailor thanks to a plastic and a nice bream of 35-40cm taken on squid

all in just loved being on the water despite the let down :05:

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good stuff mate,

loosing anchors is :thumbdown: but they arent all that expensive compared to some fishing gear that i have lost so thats a bit of a :thumbup: for us.

:thumbup: and :thumbdown: at the same time for the hairy mate, good to hear you got it but it would have been better on the BBQ than back in the water but :05: , cant have it all sometimes, still closer than me

enjoyed the report


:dito: that, James. Well done on the schoolie and the bream. :thumbup: Sounds like fun regarding the hairtail.


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good stuff on the schoolie mate dont you just hate loosing anchors i lost two like a month ago in the bay at moll point.

Funny you say that, I saw a bloke pull up two anchors on his anchor at moll point today :074:

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good stuff on the schoolie mate dont you just hate loosing anchors i lost two like a month ago in the bay at moll point.

bad luck on the anchor and the lost hairtail.

i have also lost 2 anchors at the same spot :1yikes: at mol. point. Two trips in a row too..i always carry 2 or even 3 anchors now

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Mate as you say being on the water itself your a winner..I finally got the long awaited call from my mate with a boat who's keen to give the Hawk a crack within the week :yahoo: I'm stinging to get out there catching fishing will be a bonus.. nice report by the way :thumbup:

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Gday mate, well done on the fish. Do you mind me asking what your mate caught the schoolie on?

Cheers, huntingforjewies

Sorry, just seen it in brackets then

Edited by huntingforjewies
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was fishing at gunya one time and pulled in 3 anchors on my one so there must be some artificial reefs out there soley constructed by anchors and there ropes.

wasn t actually to concerned about losing the anchor as i have a few spare at home it was just upsetting that due to my ignorance and leaving it on the bow it fell off. :mad3:

definately won t happen again

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