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Kookaburra Ate My Sp's


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It goes to show how realistic SP's are getting when a Kookaburra takes off with you squidgie wrigglers....I was at Lake Macquarie on the long weekend and i had opened a packet of gold squidgey wrigglers on the table on the verander and as i was walking out the door a Kookaburra flew down and took one, it then proceeded to bash the SP against the verander railing to kill it, but because the tail kept wriggling the kookaburra thought it was still alive and kept bashing it for about 5 mins...then he finally swallowed it....i thought it was hilarious :074: , a few tree huggers that were there didnt find it so funny..

anyways im just bored at work and thought id shre thath story wiith you all...

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