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First Of Many Today ....


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Hey all,

Well today was a day of firsts for me.

I caught my first fish on my Tyrnos combo, my first King for the season, first fish jigging, first legal King and first fish down rigging. Oh, also my first leather jacket jigging, faoul hooked in the eye, the leatheries got their own back in the end ....

5:30am I meet Pageboy at Roseville, and we head out to get some squid first thing. Not surprisingly, there are quite a few people out on the water already, mainly cause of the first good wekend of weather and probably cause they have all read Kelvin's reports. :biggrin2:

After about an hour of bait catching, we have 4 squid and a fair few yakkas.

We head out to Bluefish, downrigging some schools we spot, with no luck. Remember this is my 4th outing with downrigging, with zilch fish or runs, so confidence is low. Pageboy has been downrigging for a while now, so having hime with me and being in his boat gave me confidence that the hoodoo was going to be broken today.

Getting close to Bluefish we sound out a school of fish, but we cannot get them to take the yakkas. Pageboy is confident that they are good fish, so we change tact and Pageboy throughs a squid head on. First run through, Pageboy gets hit and the first Rat comes onboard. I through on a squid strip, and eureka. My first fish on the Tyrnos combo and the first King for the season. After a couple more rats are caught, we tire of the entertainment and did not want to lose too much of our bait, so we head off a couple of klms off north head.

We try downrigging for a little while, again, no success, so we try throwing out a few knife jigs. I open my brand new packs of $17 jigs. Not having done this before, I did not know what to expect, the first couple of jigs didn't feel too bad, and I didn't know what people were going on about, but after about the 5th jig my left arm is starting to feel pain. After sounding something that looked promising, I drop the jig and wind up. Bang, solid tera firma !!! I thought I was onto a huge King, so this becomes my first lost jig.

Whilst jigging this spot, I heard this huge splash and I look to my left to see what looked like a huge fish on breach the water get almost air bourns and land back on it's side. I could see it's white belly and bottom fins, it thuds back into the water and stays on the top, it's fin is at least 60cm above the water. It dawned me that this looked to be a HUGE shark, couldn't tell what type, but before I had time to get the camera, it went down. If it was a shark, which it had to be, cause of it's fin, I estimate it to be around 6metres, which is bigger then the boat we were in, so thankfully it went down and was about 40 metres away from us.

After a while of no luck, except I managed to jag a leatherie in the eye, we decide to head out to 12 mile. Again we bring out the jigs, me onto my second and only remaining jig. After 20 minutes or so of jigging, I was onto my last jig before a lunch break. Whammo, this time it is a fish and after a decent fight, my first legal King is landed, measuring 78cm. The monkey is off my back. It was time for Pageboy to snag up, and it took a bit of effort to break his 50lb braid. After more jigging, lunch, and our arms aching, we decide to head in and slow troll along south head. As we are winding in, I head expletives and "I've just been leather jacketed'. I think oh no, and decide to wind mine in quickly and as I get mid water, my line goes slack. I too am leather jacketed, four knife jigs - gooooonnnnee !!! Expensive stuff this jigging.

We head back in, and slow troll along south head. We bump into schools of Kings, however they are all rats, just falling short of the legal mark. Pageboy is sweating at this time, his freezer is bare of Kings at the moment and he desperately wants a feed of Kings. We make a pact to split the legal King if we don't get another legally, but we are both confident that we should boat another legal. This confidence was diminished after pulling in Rat after Rat, so we decide to head into MH.

Passing Kelvin near the Spit, we troll around for a while with only one really postivie sounding. But the MH Kings were not playing ball, it was nearly 4pm now, so we call it quits after a full day of fishing and trying different things.

I feel much better after a beer and a good feed of fresh new season King :thumbup:

Thanks for thr trip Pageboy, we sure covered a lot of distance, but the experience was awesome.

Hopefully we can find the hoods amongst the rats next time.

PS - Sorry about the long post, I get a little carried away with writing.


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Thanks for the rap and the fillet - a long day but bloody good fun !!

and FYI its considered good manners to let the boat owner get the best fish !!

Oops, sorry I left my manners at home, you can return the rudeness next time we go out on my boat.

No worries re fillet, let me guess how you are going to cook your fillet, fish curry??

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Good onya!!! :thumbup: It seems like you had a pretty good day with the kings. Whether they are rats or hoods they are great fish to catch.

Jigging is hard work and I only do it rarely( rather let the squid,yakka,slimy etc to do all the work for me ) but the hit from a king on a jig is something else.

Unlike sluggos ,or other lures- the kings just whack the jigs so hard!!!! Glad you scored a legal on a jig. It also seems like they fight a LOT harder on jigs as they are pretty close to the bottom when you hook up most of the time and they just run. Looking forward to hearing a lot more successful reports from you. Cheers Kelvin

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:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: Well done on the first, 445F! I'm still yet to catch a kingy... yet to properly target 'em actually... I've gotta get out there SOON!


Take a walk on the wild side Flattieman, check out what all the fuss is about. The upcoming King social will be a good start.

Good fish, pity about the Jigging tackle but that's the way it goes.

Better luck next time :thumbup:

Thanks for the encouragement guys, yes it was a shame about the jigs, and yes it comes with the territory. I was not expecting to lose two thought !! Does anyone have any tips on how to stop the leatheries from biting you off?

As for the shark, thinking about it some more I think it was probably about 5 metres, whatever the size it was both exciting to see such a huge beast, and yet scary as well - a bit like Anna Nicole Smith :biggrin2:

Hoping to get amongst them again soon !!!

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