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Middle Harbour Kings


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Got an invite from Brent - a fellow schooly - so hit the water at 0500 and headed straight for some squid. We found them quite plentiful, hope I can repeat the performance next time in my boat.............. With about 10 in the livie tank we headed to downrig Nth Head. Along the way saw a school of fish feeding, threw plastics and metal slices at them. Brent managed a good salmon on the plastic, but they wouldn't take metals. Set the downrigger and eventually a good hit came eventually and my son boated a massively fat 65cm sambo. A bit disappointing as we were sure we were onto the first king of the morning.

Tried for a while more along sth head and the wedding cake for zippo, so thought we would try MH as we headed back to Roseville.

After reading some good reports of kings in MH from Kelvin and Netic we hoped to find some. Tried everywhere and were about to head for the ramp when eventually Brent said "this spot looks promising" and bang......downrigger goes off, drag screams off the reel and it is a good King. I motored out from the mooring while Brent tried to tame the King. It headed staright for some structure on the bottom, but Brent managed to drag it off - it certainly made a mess of the 100lb leader, shows why you don't fish light leaders - but finally a fat 75cm king comes on board.

We repeated this for 3 more good Kings all over 65cm and a thumper 33cm bream which talk a small squid we were downrigging on a large treble!! The kings next to it make it look like a tiddler.

All in all a great day out. Look forward to the next one!

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Good to hear you guys got some nice kings. Good onya for using some sensible tackle. Losing fish is NOT good for the health of our kingies. Better to land them, dehook them then release them or keep them for the table. A fish with several meters of line hanging out of its mouth is a death sentence!!! Sounds like it was more fun than my recent jigging trip!Cheers kelvin

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Thanks for your comments guys . Out of interest, when cleaning one of the Kings, we found a whole 33 cm whiting in its stomach that hadn't been there for long. And it still wanted to take a thumper squid!! Greedy thing deserved to get caught.


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