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Narra Lake.


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Went for a 2 hour session at narra Lake today and found the whiting really firing.

I got some live blood worms from my local tacklo, plus some fresh Hawkesbury prawns as well as my

good old reliable whitebait and headed for a spot on the bank opposite the caravan park.

First 5 casts resulted in 5 just legal whiting on worms.

I then switched to prawn and got one more, so thought this is as good as it gets, so I'd experiment a bit.

I did a side by side test using Berkeley Gulp Sandworms in pumpkinseed and alternated with the whitebait, then the prawn. The SP got just one bite to the whitebait..3 bream..prawn..4 grunters, and one bream.

So I have proved to myself again that I'm shite when it comes to plastics.

Went back to the worms then and landed another 12 whiting until I ran out of worms.

I have never seen so many whiting schooling in the shallows in the lake as today.

All the whiting were on the smallish size, about 26-28cm.

I forgot to take the camera today so sorry..no pics.

I was down there on New Years Eve at the same spot and didn't even get a nibble on worms.

How the worm turns eh?

There were quite a few fishos wading the flats as you would expect being the holidays and the caravan park is bulging at the seams with campers.

So if you want some fun with the whiting...Narra Lake is the go at present..but make sure you are armed with worms or you might go home empty handed.

All fish were released again today as they were marginally legal and I didn't feel like a fish feed tonight anyhow

I had loads of fun though.



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Well done on the catch mate! Lots of action by the sounds of it. It's kind of nice to know i'm not the only one who can't quite suss out the SP's.

Been craving a feed of Whiting which i'm going to try and bag on Saturday, as some of us still have to work! Wish the holidays were longer!!! Will be heading to Dee Why to try off the beach, by the sounds of it i'll have to sneak up to the lake for a bit as well.



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Hey mate, great job !

Was the lagoon packed with people yesterday when you went ?

Hi Guys

I was there too (probably about the same time - 6pm - 8pm) but on the other side of the bridge where everyone swims. Once a few of the families went home it thinned out and the fishos came in force!!

For me it was 2 legal whiting - first cast a 34cm and then a 31cm about 20 minutes later (sorry, no pics - already consumed!!). Fresh caught beach worms was the go.

The :wife: was getting bored and cold so it was time to go with plenty of bait still leftover, so might try again Sat morning or evening.

The previous day I also caught 4 whiting from 28cm to 35cm in length, so as Pete says, the lake is firing at the moment for whiting.



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well done on the whiting pete,

its been about 2 yrs since ive been down there catching them..

be4 i got the bout id always head there wjen ever i got a free night..

bit of a drive tho from campbelltown, but things us fishos do to wet a line aye..

keep up the gr8 work

cheers steve

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