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But Why?


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Hi all

Why is it that Box Head is fishing so poorly and has done for some time? Ok it's a good holding point for salmon and tailor at times but you rarely see kings there now, its generally squidless and as for jews etc forget it. Even the trawlers seem to have given up. Yesterday the sounder was pretty much blank from Little Box to Tallow Beach and thats not unusual.

What interests me is that the Joey and West Head have very similar features and whilst can be on and off, still produce. I would'nt say Box is fished any harder than these spots. Is it the influence of Pittwater perhaps? But then Box has good tidal flows out of Brisbane water.

Any thoughts...



Edited by chrisg
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Hey Chris,

the pros always hit that section pretty hard which would not help things. also see alot of heavy boat traffic around there on weekends..

have a look at the water quality too. for some reason box seems to cop tidal flow from brissy waters and from the hawkesbury. water is always green and nasty.

on the edges of west head and the joey its crystal most of the time..

pittwater is very dead at the moment also with all the harbour pros being in there.

p.s. box isnt always dead :P we had a good session a couple of weeks back after being out wide we came in across a bait ball jsut off the head. we then had some great fun on 2 and 4kg and caught and released (and got busted off a few times ) by about 8 bronzies up to about 20kgs.


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