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Thank You


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I'd just like to say thanks to the owners, admin, mods, sponsors and members of this site for maintaining a great forum. I have visited a few fishing forums over the years and this is the best one I have found. The people are way more friendly and open minded here and I respect that.

Running a website and forum myself I know the value of having a good admin/mod team as well as encouraging a good community feel. So congratulations to everyone for having a ripper of a forum full of advice and good laughs!

Thanks a Heap.



Edited by coollamon
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Yeah its a good site, cant say i agree with all the site rules, but i dont own the site, so i follow the rules. it is a great local SYDNEY site. there are plenty of other sites around, but this is by far the best for sydney fishos, heaps of regular reports and always someone willing to answer Questions. they have some good sponsors too. i didnt even know Wattos existed until i found this site.

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Rules are needed everywhere mate, we just gotta learn to live with em and accept that's part of life and make the most of life with them. This site rocks, I get criticism for giving out info about places to fish in Wollongong but hey there will always be criticism it's everywhere aint it... this place is like a second family.


I realise that mate. if there were no rules on forums it would be a total Crap fight, and the place would be hell, no one would visit. I guess ive probobally opened a can of worms that maybe i shouldnt of have with my first post in this thread. but seeing as though ive cracked the can i ellaborate a little bit and share my thoughts.

I found this site on google last year some time and joined. may have posted a few times over summer. then the cooler months came in. (i dont fish much over winter) when i joined i put a link in my sig line to another site im involved with, its a 4X4 site. I mainly concentrate on 4x4 comps through the cooler months, then get into fishin and boating through summer. i returned after winter and noticed my sig line had dissapeared. i didnt really think much of it, and simply reposted it. then i got a PM informing me that links to personal websites werent permitted in sig lines.

This to me seemed a little strange as all the forums i usually visit allow this. now i can understand that Admins want to look after their sponsors and fair enough. I wasnt trying to sell anything or advertise any product. the only reason i put that link there was, because i figured a lot of fishos probobally owned 4wdrives, and some might be interested in learning more about there operation and how to drive them so they coukld get to there favourite trout stream etc.

I always thought the net was about sharing info and ideas, and id imagine a lot of fishos own 4bys too.

I just felt its a bit harsh not being able to post links in a sig line, when they are not in competition with this site or its sponsors. As stated earlier, i fully understand why you wouldnt want people advertising their stores here if they arer not sponsors, your sponsors deserve that courtesy as they are supporting the site.

And for the record, i didnt know Wattos existed until i visited this site, and ive since bought a rod and reel from him, (seemed a good bloke too).

to Admins

these are just my thoughts, im happy to abide by the rules, even though i dont agree with all of em, i do like this site and enjoy visiting it. thanks for reading my rant. make of it what you wish.


Edited by madmac
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Everyone is entitled to their opinion , and we welcome all of your views , as long as they posted in a reasonable manner . The rules we have are designed to keep this site as user friendly as possible , and are modified from time to time to keep it that way.

Thanks for all of the positive feedback , the Admin Team and the moderators work hard to keep this site as up to date and informative as we possibly can , we are glad you are enjoying it !!!


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I get criticism for giving out info about places to fish in Wollongong but hey there will always be criticism it's everywhere aint it... this place is like a second family.


Ben, sorry to hear you cop some flack for providing info on places to fish. I think that's one of the many things that make this site so great. Traditionally fisho's are very secretive about their "Special Places" I'm sure everyones heard the old come back to "Where did you catch them?" its usually something along the lines of "Ah over that way a bit" or something vague like that.

Alot of people on this site go well beyond a few directions on how to get to where they are biting. With info on baits, rigs, lures & all manner of info that is an absolute boon to people like me who have little experience & simply want to put ourselves in the best possible position to hook something that makes a fishing trip worthwhile & exciting.

I do understand some reluctance to give away certain spots that people hold as precious because the last thing anyone wants is to arrive at your favorite hole only to find 1000 boats or fisho's all fighting for position. But I also hold the opinion (and it's just my opinion) that when people share info it has the benifit of getting others interested in fishing, gets more people out there & hopfully comes full circle when those people start to let others know whats happening out there. We can then read / listen to this info & be better informed of how the area is going & maybe save a wasted trip or turn a dull one into a delight. This is also the reason I like seeing people share info when things DON'T go well (IE fish gone off the chew etc).

At the end of the day I think you and others like you make this site what it is, informative, friendly & a great way to fish when you're not fishing.

I hope the wowsers don't ever get the better of you & change your style mate coz you are a true "Raider" and that's what makes this site.

And finally, without all the Mods, operators & sponsers none of that would be possible so a big thank you from me too.


Sorry for the long post, sometimes I just get philosophical (sp?) and rant all day. :074:

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Guest lets go fishn

great site but greatly over regulated i believe.

ive been around the traps for years now and noticed many people come and go from this site and others, for being a little out of line and my question is why?

A forum is a place for discussion therefore you don t have to agree with ones comments, you dont have to like what you see but at the end of the day you should feel free to comment within reason without the threat of being banned.

just a thought

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great site but greatly over regulated i believe.

ive been around the traps for years now and noticed many people come and go from this site and others, for being a little out of line and my question is why?

A forum is a place for discussion therefore you don t have to agree with ones comments, you dont have to like what you see but at the end of the day you should feel free to comment within reason without the threat of being banned.

just a thought

There are many reasons why a site has to be moderated. You wouldn't believe the things we have to edit or delete from the forums. We have alot more women & children viewing the site these days, which is one of our goals, so we don't won't them, or anyone else for that matter, being offended by what some people think they can post.

People come & go because they don't follow site rules. The site rules are in place for a reason. They are simple & not hard to follow. If people don't want to abide by the site rules then they shouldn't come here. If people do comment to a post 'within reason' it is left in. If it breaks site rules then it is removed. We will not let this site go the way of others by allowing a free for all that is overrun by people with massive egos.

We receive alot more positive feedback than negative. Our membership is booming. We are doing something right & the majority of members like what we do.

In the future I'd appreciate it if you could p.m Admin directly with any concerns you have with the running of the site. Putting it in the forums isn't the way to go about things.

Now lets get back on topic & give Fishraider a big :thumbup: .



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I think for the most part the rules are resonable, I've been around this site for a fair while now and have never had a drama with any of the admin team or mods, In this world it is impossible to cater for everyone but I reckon this site does a pretty good job in catering to the vast majority of members and has a community atmosphere that I am yet to find elsewhere on the web.

I am a member of a few fishing forums but this is the only one I post on regularly and the only one that I get involved with social events.

Keep it up FR your doing a great job :thumbup:

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Having moderated on other sites I know what you have to wade through

and there is latitude on here when rules are breached, by a reminder unless

the "big stick" needs to come out

More than fair to all

It's plain and simple if you like the site and enjoy the company then you tow

the line with what is required to be here

Love it or leave it describes the options and theres plenty to like here

Here's to the mod's & raiders :beersmile: great job ladies and gents


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I think it all has been said, but I will say it again.

Congratulations on the best Fishing Forum in Oz!

I am well and truely addicted.

Hats off to the Fishraider Team and Sponsors :thumbup: .

I look forward to sharing many more fishing reports, opinions and thoughts with you all in the years to come.

I must make the effort to get to a Social Day so I can put faces to the names and share a cold :beersmile: ..... I know I've been slack!



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