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Ch 9 "sunday" Report On Grey Nurse Sharks And Zonings

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just wanting to know did anyone else see it and what you thought of it.

its good to know that there are more grey nurses than once thought as many sharks are being sighted without tags, but the fisheries surveys and stats are pretty poor considering there the primary reasons leading to closeouts of areas to fisherman(marine parks.)

cheers pk

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Here is the video link.

Compliments of Wayne D


I believe that it has been sanitised and time slotted to cause least problems and not enough about the possibility of interference with withholding of the crucial research/evidence. I hope ICAC digs its teeth into it although 2 Ministers will not be in charge anymore.

Bob Smith

Edited by BOB_SMITH
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  • 7 months later...

more zoning for these sharks will piss off a lot of fishos!

after the greens effort on closing much of the areas round jarvis

I've serously changed my view towards the party.

Just have a chat to some serious LBG and general fisherman round the south and you will know why!

I've been told their 'literally' trying to close some of the best land based fishing spots in the world!

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more zoning for these sharks will piss off a lot of fishos!

after the greens effort on closing much of the areas round jarvis

I've serously changed my view towards the party.

Just have a chat to some serious LBG and general fisherman round the south and you will know why!

I've been told their 'literally' trying to close some of the best land based fishing spots in the world!

Spot on with that Injay, it won't be long till places like clifton gardens, balmoral wharf etc are targeted as well cause of some obscure species that nobody has ever caught there.

Guys seriously look at who you vote for in this election in the senate, there is no use whining about these issues if we don't put our money where our mouths are! or more importantly vote for what we beleive in! if you don't vote then you don't exist as far as the polies are concerned!

Use your vote to get what you want!

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