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Harbour Kings On Saturday


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Hey all,

Havnt posted a report for a while and thought it was about time (and i also had a great session!)

Ive recently got one of my good mates addicted to fishing and he has been out with me quite a few times in the last month. Ive been trying to get him onto a king and finally did.

Got to Roseville at a bit after 5am and headed for some yakkas. Got heaps of them really fast and headed to the markers around middle head and clifton gardens. ended up stay at the marker where the wedding cake used to be. Within a couple of minutes my rod goes off with just a pillie as bait and i have a play for 30 seconds and then he's gone.

Straight after that my mate alex is on and he's fighting his first ever kingie. its boated and goes for around 64.. You should of seen him, made him so happy..

I cant remember if i got mine next or he got his second one but his one was 68 and he was a fat bugger!! I also caught a nice little flatty around the 50cm mark.

He got both of his on pillies and a few other runs were had on them too. Alex asked me if live bait (yakka's in our case) even worked and a minute after he said that one of the livie rigs goes off and another kingie annouces his presence!!

So we ended up taking home 3 kings and a decent flatty. Sunday nights dinner was the best ive had in a long time.

As for Alex he is even more addicted now, and i just love it!

pics will come once i copy them on the computer..



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yeh he is definatly hooked!! he always liked fishing but he wasnt a fisherman but im slowly turning him into one. My first king wasnt legal either but not bad for him. As soon as i mention going fishing on saturday's he get very excited (just like me!) Its just a shame it's nearing the time for them to bugger off. Hopefully i can post a few more reports featuring him! He has the pics so im waiting for him so i can post them.


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