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Dear Fishoes

Two Sundays back I took my boat out from Port Kembla harbour. A few hours into some fine fishing a Maritime boat approached. I had to provide evidence that the boat was open water appropriate. This all went without a hitch. Then this ferrel red head bush pig asked to see my fish. This was odd as Maritime had nothing to do with fisheries. I put up a stink and then the cow showed me her fisheries ID. Both departments were working together on this day.

I proceeded to pull out my fishing licence and provide it to the cow. Once she obtained my licence a huge grin appeared on her freaky face. She informed me that the licence had ran out a few months previous.

When I asked for some concession, guaranteeing that a new licence would be purchased the following day, she smiled again and said “don’t feel so bad you’re not the only one I have booked today”. I replied “well this makes me feel a whole f####n lot better”. And we left it at that. $200 dollars gone like that.

My grip is why don’t fisheries send a reminder letter that your licence is about to expire just like every other dept that requires a licence.

When you buy a 3 year licence, you put it in your wallet and forget about it. Just another way to rip off the fishing community.

Bloody Rude.

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I have to agree with sharky, if you didnt give them lip im sure they would have let you off, i have been caught in the same situation and they let me off and told me to fax through the renewed license the next day.

I normally find that Fisheries and the maritime crews are quite good people.....you just gotta treat them with respect as they are doing a job that benefits us, thanks to licenses and the income they bring in we have things like fads to fish from.

Treat them with respect and im sure they will treat you with respect back

Edited by netic
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mmmm Yeah - I think you went in a bit hard there mate - sorry to say :(

My experiences with Fisheries have always been overwhelmingly positive.

I've been stopped heaps by fisheries. They've given Andy stickers and handed me booklets and information about legal catches etc etc (that was on the Parra one day) which I think is great (even though I already had that info).

Never, ever had a problem and found them to be generally good people. A quick chat about our day and what we're up to, checks done and we're back to fishing.

Personally, I'm glad they're around, particularly checking catches at the ramp.



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I've had a 3 year licence twice now, & this year, I did get a reminder from them this year, which surprised me, as I wasn't expecting it! I have yet to have my licence checked on salt water!

I reckon it should be something a bit more sturdy than a grotty bit of paper, tho! For 70 odd bucks, I would expect something laminated, at the very least.


Edited by Roberta
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This wouldn’t have happened if I had been sent a reminder that the licence was going to expire. I think we pay enough money to receive a reminder letter in the mail, dont you.

I’m also amazed fishoes have sympathy for a dept that charges you to fish.

How quickly we get use to getting ripped of and even say thank you.

Sure we get sticker and little colourful booklets, I really feel im getting my money worth now.

We are the most taxed countries in the world, any opportunity by the Govt to shave a little more from of our incomes is exploited.

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It's way more than stickers and booklets...

I think the money from the fishing license system goes to very good use.

Botany Bay is a recreational fishing haven, so is lake macquarie. Extra facilities like fish cleaning tables are being put in so I'm a big fan of the license system.

Then there's the artificial reef's that have been put in both places.

Sure, its not a perfect system and questions need to be asked of Government about where money is or more importantly, is not going. But... Government is accountable to us so lets keep asking those questions...

There's nothing more I hate on the fishing scene as people taking undersized fish so the more inspectors and education programs for fisho's the better.

Well, sorry to prattle on but that's just my two cents.

I respect the fact you have a different view about the license system but I think the fishing license system is great and I'm happy to defend it. We as rec fisho's only benefit from it. We just need to make sure the Government does the right things with OUR money.



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This wouldn’t have happened if I had been sent a reminder that the licence was going to expire. I think we pay enough money to receive a reminder letter in the mail, dont you.

I’m also amazed fishoes have sympathy for a dept that charges you to fish.

How quickly we get use to getting ripped of and even say thank you.

Sure we get sticker and little colourful booklets, I really feel im getting my money worth now.

We are the most taxed countries in the world, any opportunity by the Govt to shave a little more from of our incomes is exploited.

Mate our license fee's dont just go to booklets etc....

Fisheries have many programs to benefit regurlar fishos.

Artificial Reefs, FADS, Better facilities, and the governing of size limits to ensure our marine life grows and breeds to ensure we have fish to catch in 20 years.

Mate you gotta take a chill pill, you got done, thats it...its a fine, we all get them

And mate Australia isnt the most taxed country in the world, visit some other countries and then you will see how good we have it.

Its guys like you that makes the job of fisheries more difficult, Im sure nearly every member on here has pleasant things to say about fisheries because they are good people.

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I feel there has been enough said here, so i am going to apply the hand brake and stop this baby before it gets out of hand...

You do the crime, you do the time.... And being rude, offensive and confrontational to the authorities will get you nowhere... they do their job, which is to make sure that marine vessel operators are licenced and are carrying the apropriate equipment, and also to ensure that legal sizes and quantities are being adhered to. It is NOT to be abused by law breakers that feel they are being picked on.

I am sorry but i have no sympathy...

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