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Overhead Reels

Brad Duffell

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Hey raiders,

Just been back from a restock of my tackle and saw a few overhead reels lying around wich prompted me to ask the question... what uses do these reels have over the egg beater? ive never even thought of it until now.. what advantages in different situations do they have eg sp fishing or trolling?



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The main advantage of an overhead is having the ability to change the drag without changing the pre-set drag setting.

Also you can put it in free-spool and set the clicker on so you know when there is a fish on the end. Quite useful when you want a little cat nap :thumbup:


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Casting wise you should be able to cast further with an overhead. You also have more control. Once you learn how to control them first of course. Easier to drop a lure if you want to stop it in its flight early. A lot easier to chuck it into free spool if you are fishing off the rocks and you need to turn a fish. Line capacity also. This is just for casting reels. Game overheads is drag and line capacity as stated previously.


Edited by lighthouse2k
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