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Another New Member -hope I Am Doing This Right


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G'Day Raiders,

They say the first step to getting over an addiction is to admit the truth - well here goes.

My name is Jason & I am an angling addict! I hope I am not alone in my addiction because how sad would a world be without fisho's?.

I first noticed my addiction to fishing as a nipper when I found myself at Windamere Dam without any hooks, I tried to fashion a yellow belly rig out of a safety pin & some old mono line, Needless to say that set the standard for my fishing adventures - Constantly striving, occassionally attaining though not often.

I like to class myself as an adventurous fisher who likes to try many different spots ( otherwise known as desperate for any I fish I can get). I grew up in the Mudgee region so I have been lucky in chasing a variety of freshwater fish that the waterways in central west NSW provide.

I am not a great fisho I admit & have been humbled further by the wealth of knowledge that is shared so freely everyday in the forums of this site. I am happy to say that my passion for fishing has only increased daily from joining FishRaider.

Since moving to Croydon & reading the blogs everyday, my mate "Davo" & I have been venturing out in my area chasing the local spoils. I previously was of the understanding that most of the waterways in that area were polluted, fouled & lacklustre, but so far we have had a great run & overall the fish have been beautiful, healthy and pretty good sport.

The next move is to buy a "little boat" that can be towed begrudgingly behind an Astra & won't pull the car in from the ramp (pretty good chance with my luck). Hopefully that will that get us amongst those Jewies & kingy's sitting round the harbour (a guy has to have a dream).

I have rambled on long enough to bore everyone but I just wanted to say 2 things firstly - a 'thanks' to Malacoota Pete. after reading you piece on Narrabeen we decided to give it a go on the outgoing tide last week, end result was a beautiful 70cm Flattie that played on 6 runs - I was in 7th heaven as the last flattie I caught round that size was 20 years ago. Cheers Pete :beersmile: .

We hope to run into some of you Raiders when you are out & about, just look for two drongo's who don't seem to know what they are doing - it's probably us.

Secondly - As a new member I would like to say that Fishraider is one of the most friendly & welcoming sites I have ever been on. The advice, friendliness, respect & encouragement you give out will ensure happy fishing for many years to come. great work. :1fishing1:



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:1welcomeani: to the site Fishdrought!!

I would suggest that many of the members ( myself included ) are in much the same boat as yourself , but we are learning all the time !!

Hope to catch up with you at one of our BBQs or social events , we have a lot of fun , you dont want to miss out !!


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:1welcomeani: aboard mate and its great to see you have come to Fishraider with a very positive attitude and that willl endear you to many Fishos on this Site.

Hope we can meet up for a chat sooner than later :biggrin2:

Cheers Swordfisherman

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:1welcomeani: FishDrought

Don't be too sure you'll be the ONLY 2 drongo's :1prop:

When your out and about always look for the Fishraider sticker

on a boat or someone wearing a Fishraider hat.cap or beanie

then just say the one word FISHRAIDER ?

:1fishing1: hard and have a :thumbup: day

as Swordie says "that's what I'm talking about"


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Hey FishDrought


As Chris said, don't be too sure your the only 2 drongos about mate! We come in packets of 10,000's

Here's to many great reports from ya :beersmile: & many more happy days fihsin' & chatting with Raiders.

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