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Plumber Required


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Prior to scanning through the local paper in search of a plumber thought I would place this post to see if are any Plumbers in FR that may be interested in a job in the St George area.

It entails the instalation of a 250lt HW tank & plumbing to the kitchen , laundry ( 2 outlets) bath , shower & sink.

Just to clarify , this is a new instalation in an old house. Access to all points is good , ie , there is no crawling on hands & knees etc

Timeing , reasonably flexable , let's say , some time between the 9/7/07 & 14/7/06

If interested or have any questions pls send me a PM


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Just a suggestion if you have a water tank get it plumbed to the washing machine at the same time and the rebate you get will cover the labour cost. Not sure of the exact rebate but there is now 2 avaliable since 1st July. Plumber might not be up to date yet but do a search or ask syd water if in NSW

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