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How To Remove A Hook Imbedded In Your Flesh


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Hi guys

Found this info on hook removal using the loop method:

Fishing Hook Removal

The most common accident during fishing season involves hooks.The most important tool any angler should always have with him/her for removing a hook is a sharp pair of wire cutting pliers.

Here are a few methods for removing fish hooks. When a hook's point and barb are protruding out the skin, it's easier to cut off the barb and back the hook out of the wound. When fishing, sharp wire cutters come in handy.

The snatch method of fish hook removal is simple and effective, and it's the best method to remove a fish hook that's deeply imbedded in the skin and when the barb is buried.

This method is quick, simple and relatively painless, as long as you get it on the first try. The secret to a first time success is yanking the loop of fishing line, which is wrapped around the embedded fish hook, rather hard so the hook comes out on the first try. The reason you should get it out on the first try is obvious, the patient might not stick around for a second try!

To perform the snatch method when the barb is imbedded, all that's needed is a short length of fishing line, at least 10 pound test, approximately 2 feet long.

Remove hook from lure. Double the fishing line and loop it around the hook, as close to the skin's surface as possible. Hold onto both ends of the doubled line, wrapping them around your hand for a firm grip and holding the line parallel to the skin's surface in line with the fish hook. With your other hand, press the eye of the hook down onto the surface of the skin and back toward the hook's bend, as if trying to back the hook out of the wound. While pressing on the hook eye, yank the line sharply, parallel to the skin and in line with the hook, to snap the hook back out of the wound.


Apply antibiotic ointment, bandage wound and check to make sure tetanus shots are current.

Here is another site that shows photos ... http://www.gofc.us/docs/MarineMedicineHook.pdf

Cheerio - hope it comes in handy next time you get hooked!


PS I hooked Sails last year & he just pushed it right thru the flesh & cut the tip off with pliers, but it seemed rather a barbaric way to do it .... and depending on where you are hooked, could actually cause further damage to muscle & tissue!

Edited by Roberta
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hey roberta... this is the method they used in kempsey hospital one year to get a trebble out of my shoulder..put there by a mate chasing tailor of the rocks at hat head..ahhh hat head this year great fishin tailor galore plenty over 2kgs... some 1 kg bream..and a 1 kg blackie caught in the river...and i finally got some weed(not at byron) but from under the bridge at stockton beach my sons mate collected it and the blackfish loved it...cant wait till next years holidays...tnx bob

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Ok Roberta any more tips for removing hooks? I was too chicken to try it on myself so I thought my missus could help me with a little hands on experiment . I tried the snatch method several times but it just wont come out :1badmood: Im in the doghouse until I get this hook out.

Maby if I post a pick you will be able to give some pointers. :wacko:


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Ooooh Sharky - it may take a while to get those kissy lips back into full motion! That woulda hurt!

In all seriousness, Re hook removal - I think it is a bit like tickling yourself - you can't fool yourself! The trick is to do it very quickly & when they are not expecting it - tell the person you'll do it at the count of 5, then do it after saying 2! Also looks like it is important to keep the loop parallel to the flesh when you pull - don't pull it upwards!!



The annoying thing is, you can't really practise it till it happens!!! And you don't really want it to happen anyway! But it will ......

Edited by Roberta
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  • 10 years later...
Guest Guest123456789

Thought I’d contribute to this old article as I hooked myself recently in the leg with a 6/0 and used this article to get it out.

the hook penetrated the skin just past the barb. I think the barb was too big for snatch method (or I was doing it wrong) so I pushed the hook through and under until the barb came out the otherside and cut it off. The barb got caught again on the other side so a small incision was required to get it through eventually.


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Guest Guest123456789
19 hours ago, connico said:

Nice work mate, its a hard man to push a hook through again! Did you use ice to numb or just went straight rambo?

A can of strongbow low carb apple cider did the trick ;)

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