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frangkie and myself decided to team up as we both were looking for crew and found none.

Anyway hit the water at 6:00 last sunday morning and withing a couple of minutes both our rods were bent and reels screaming, I landed my 52 cm salmon and frangkie's got away, after half an hour frangkie was on again and after 5min he landed a 56cm salmon, I could not believe how much curry it gave him it as the thing was posessed it just kept on going. We then decided to get some flathead, landed a few then the leather jackets came and we went.


I know most people don't like eating australian salmon but I know how to prepare them and have had thousands of customers loving them to. I owned the (Seafood Grill Cafe) in Kiama for 5yrs


Edited by thereddragon
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Good work on the sambo's.

Care to share your cooking skills with us?

I'm sure there are plenty of people that would love to know how to prepare and cook them.

Alternatively, dinners at your place !!! Everyones invited :074:

It never ceases to amaze me the talented people that are Fishraiders.

From Doctor's to Chef's, artists to computer geeks, and everyone in between.



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Best recipe I know for salmon is to cut into strips whack a 3/0 through it and drift for flathead. Then fillet and skin the flathead cover it in a light batter and shallow fry it...............perfect :tease:

That's funny, my dad used to get the similar comments when he told them he ate callamari. His ausie mates jested with, are you serious you ate that cheap, slimy, tough, stringy, ugly bait. Now of course it is a different story now that you have learnt to prepare and cook callamari it is now a prized table fish and it is not cheap anymore.

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That's funny, my dad used to get the similar comments when he told them he ate callamari. His ausie mates jested with, are you serious you ate that cheap, slimy, tough, stringy, ugly bait. Now of course it is a different story now that you have learnt to prepare and cook callamari it is now a prized table fish and it is not cheap anymore.

the meal looks great, are you going to share your favourite preperation style?

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Keep in mind that I am not trying to change your opinion on this fish but only sharing what little knowledge I have on this local.

Sorry not getting back to you earlier in regards to my salmon prep.

Any way here it is:

Salmon has a naturally strong flavor and has firm flesh this in mind you can utilise it to your advantage, the trouble with most people is that they try to use it in recipes that a suited to bland / lightly flavoured fish.

1.Catch fish

2.Bleed fish by kniffing its gills, try not to kill it immediatly as the whole purpose is to keep its heart pumping.

3.Put on ice

4.Gut, Fillet, Skin, Debone

5.Cut off red meat if you dont like strong flavour

6.Leave in fridge for 2-3days keeping it out of its juices

Use any recipe that you like keep in mind that it goes best with sweet or spicy recipe.

Asian or Indian recipe's are best.



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